While I may not be carnival personnel currently, my former boss Frosty of SJM Fiesta Shows told me there was a great future in weight guessing. Does anyone know of any carnivals or circuses that currently require or are hiring a weight guesser? Please give me the details if you can help me out.
wha...? weight guessing...that's an actual profession?chrisrooR
Yeah, I've seen one at the Calgary Stampede... she was off by 20 pounds, which is decent, I guess. Not enough to make me go "wow", but probably better than what I could have done.
Why would you need a weight guesser when you could just weigh yourself.Ban-My-Butt
Because you bet the person when they guess your weight. They have a sign that says if they guess your weight to within, say 10 pounds, then they win and you don't win a prize.
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