Ownage #2.
Earlier today, my little sister asks if I could clean some of her Barbie dolls. I said sure, so she went and grabbed five or six of them and plopped them down on my desk. I was sitting here, bored, so I figured I'd get that done really quick.
So I grab one of the Barbie's, and take off her clothes. (That sounds...weird.)
I take a towel, wet the tip, and start cleaning her. Well, there was some food-like stuff on her...uh..."boob area"...so I put the towel down and start scratching the small area of goop. (We'll just call it goop. I have no idea what else to call it. Gunk? Anyways...)
Scratching only works a little, so I start rubbing it, trying to get it off...Then, my door opens, and my dad just stands there, watching me "rubbing" a Barbie doll's...boobs.
He just gives me a " :| " look and slowly exits.
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