Since some people have these warped views of America(ns), I hope to clear some stuff up.
Immigration: We honestly don't care if you come here, but get a freaking green card. We only have issues with illegal immigrants.
Arabs: Look, sad fact is, Arabs attacked the World Trade Center. There is going to be some racial problems. The same thing happened to the Japanese after Pearl Harbor, and there isn't a country on Earth that wouldn't react the same way. It will blow over, eventually.
Geography: It is a myth that the majority of Americans can't find our own country on the map. A total myth, perpetuated by the festering puss wound of Youtube "intelligence."
Religion: The majority of Americans are Christians, but this doesnt mean other religions are forbidden in America. America is a secular country, in fact.
Intelligence: We get that we aren't the smartest country on Earth. But we are not far down on the list, either.We aren't a bunch of drooling rednecks that grew up in the "Special persons" room at school.
Healthcare: Our healthcare is pretty good, considering the healthcare of most other countries.
Islam: Many Americans are Islamic. We do not all identify Islam with a man in a beard with a bomb strapped to his chest chanting "Death to America!"
Nuclear warfare: If we were as eager to use nuclear weapons as some people think, then the Middle East would have been off the map after 9/11. Needless to say, I can still find Iraq on my globe.
Foreign language: We don't mind learning foreign language. However, when our national anthem is being sung in Spanish and we can't graduateHigh School without two years of foreign language class, something is wrong with this picture.
Racism: Racism is a problem, and as long as humans continue to be humans, it always will be. But racism in America is not as it used to be; Racists usually keep their comments to words, instead of going into actions like it used to be. America is a very multi-ethnic country, with races I've never even heard of popping up here and there.
Obesity: Obesity is a huge problem in America, and is quickly growing into a very alarming epidemic. But, we aren't all fatasses. Some Americans actually take care of themselves.
If there's anything else, or if I got something wrong, let me know. But this is America how it actually is, not how it is presented on Youtube.
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