Lately I have been very preoccupied with dreams and I am curious as to what you guys think of dreams?
Some people and cultures consider their dreams to be prophecies or messages from the spirit world and see them in a religious light. For example ancient Hebrews believed that good dreams came from God and that bad dreams came from evil spirits. Another example of how people associated dreams with the spirit world was the idea while you slept and Incubus or Succubus could come lie upon you in order to have intercourse.(This belief most likely came from sleep paralysis and hypnogogic hallucinations)
Freud believed that dreams were a form of wish fulfillment. That the dream world was a place where we could act out things that we aren't allowed to do or aren't acceptable in society. He believed that most dream symbolism was sexual in nature.
I have also seen many studies that suggest that dreams are our brain's way of processing memories.
Many people also believe that dreams are a tool for accessing our subconscious and can be used to help change ourselves for the better. Our dreams can show us who we really are and can help us overcome some of our fears and desires.
I personally think of my dreams as an access to my subconscious and through understanding them better I can understand myself better.
So my question basically comes down to this: What are your dreams to you?
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