@korvus: Pretty much. It's a gamble since it usually depends on the place you end up.
Most of my grand parents were stuffed in places that seemed more like a clinic then a retirement home. Served porridge more or less every day cause "Some are old and can't chew, So it would be unfair and expensive to make two dinners"
Brought my grandma some soft chocolate once for her birthday when we visited back when I was little, nurse took it off the table as soon as she walked into the room and scolded us for bringing it. Then we were told to leave a half hour later on. Often had "accidents" and had to tend to herself afterwards or wait hours for help. They even managed to almost have her get an overdose of medication. And this was apparantly the nicest home around
So perhaps my view is a little biased, But If i'm put on a place like that. I'll probably go insane and not only be a massive hassle for the nurses and such, but I'll also get ahold of a lawyer, get them to sell everything I own and hand the money off to "Doctors without borders" or something so the family won't get a cent out of me.
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