I was just wondering what are some of your best homework excuses?
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"I didn't do it"
Or purposely point to (in Math) my Chemistry notebook and say "Wrong notebook." (only works like once, otherwise it's obvious :P)
[QUOTE="Etherninty"]"I was having sex with your wife"pintabear49blue
What if she was in a coma?
Well, I said to myself that I wanted to make this homework perfect, so I did. I worked on it for hours until everything was perfect, scrutinizing every last detail. Anyways, excited about my accomplishment, I celebrated by running outside to show the entire neighborhood and my friend Jim. As I was running, I tripped on a crack, but my paper flew out of my hands. The paper landed softly onto a wet puddle. Afterwards, it spontaneously combusted and exploded into tiny pieces, which than got run over by several cars and a tractor trailer. Then a satellite fell on it. When I searched my my said perfect work, I discovered a lepprechaun with my homework and it ran away over the rainbow. Then I came to school.
tl;dr I didn't do my homework.
My teachers won't accept excuses, so I don't even bother. To them, leaving it at home/forgetting to turn it in/my dog ate it is the same as not doing it. Some accept late grades for half credit while others just put in a zero.
i dont make excuses
I tell the teacher straight up I didnt do it...they dont acutally care why you didnt do it...they just need to know so they can put it in their grade book...
"Well unfortionately someone broke into my house last night when everyone was away.. Luckily the burglar didn't steal anything, except for my homework assignments.. And some Tic-Tacs. Me and my family tried to see if insurance can cover my losses, but no, unfortionately."
almost any excuse made before the deadline is rock solid. Call/email the teacher now, and say you're probably not going to finish it, and they'll pretty much always give you a free pass unless you come up w/ a blatent lie.
Take a writing papers for example. You come in the day it's due and say "I lost my notes so I couldn't finish" and few teachers will give you any sympathy. If you ask for an extention a day or two before it's due w/ the same excuse you'll almost always get a resonable extention (and often an extra bump in your grade).
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