23rd November 1998: Ocarina of Time released! (Best game ever imo)
What awesome thing happened on your birthday?
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[QUOTE="6_volts"]October 30th, 1 day before Halloween and I get presents and candy, and Diego Maradona was born on the same day. xDlobodobYour birthday is a day after mine :D Gotta agree with the presents and candy. The stock market crashed :DAnd lots of horror movies also. xD
Today's my birthday! And the best thing that happened today was when I got pissed but was able to chill with my friends at Taco Bell and forget about why I was mad. :)battlefront23
Happy Birthday! How old are you, now?
And, on May 2ndthe Soviet Uniontook Berlin in 1945. And in 1885 Good Housekeeping went on sale for the first time....boring day. :P
[QUOTE="battlefront23"]Today's my birthday! And the best thing that happened today was when I got pissed but was able to chill with my friends at Taco Bell and forget about why I was mad. :)Dark_Knight6
Happy Birthday! How old are you, now?
And, on May 2ndthe Soviet Uniontook Berlin in 1945. And in 1885 Good Housekeeping went on sale for the first time....boring day. :P
17! :)17! :)battlefront23
Aw, I thought I was older than you. Anywho, Happy Birthday! :DI'll have to get around to giving you 17 e-punches. :P
[QUOTE="battlefront23"]17! :)Dark_Knight6
Aw, I thought I was older than you. Anywho, Happy Birthday! :DI'll have to get around to giving you 17 e-punches. :P
Haha I guess not. :P And thanks! :D No please don't... lolHaha I guess not. :P And thanks! :D No please don't... lolbattlefront23
You're seventeen, time to man-up. :P
[QUOTE="battlefront23"]Haha I guess not. :P And thanks! :D No please don't... lolDark_Knight6
You're seventeen, time to man-up. :P
I guess. I got Left 4 Dead!I guess. I got Left 4 Dead! battlefront23
How is it? I was contemplating on asking for that for Christmas but I decided against it.
[QUOTE="battlefront23"]I guess. I got Left 4 Dead! Dark_Knight6
How is it? I was contemplating on asking for that for Christmas but I decided against it.
Haven't tried it yet. :PHaven't tried it yet. :P battlefront23
Oh, okay. Guess I'll just try the demo, if I can free up some space. Have fun, though!
We have the same birthday! And that was going to be my answer. We rock.Dec 7....
I was born. That's pretty awesome... =)
On December 7 in 1941 (although December 8th in the Pacific, where I live) Pearl Harbour was attacked. We were born on the Day of Infamy! (Well, it's anniversary)
Alright I have come back with legit events. (July 2nd)
Second day of the Battle of Gettysburg
President James Garfield is shot, and later dies of infection
Ameila Earnhart disapear
Thurgood Marshall was born on this day
Larry David was born on this day (Seinfeld is amazing)
Jose Cansecon was born on this day
Nostradamus died on this day
Well, if you weren't born I wouldn't be responding to this post. You have impacted my life, no matter how small. I'd say that is important. Wouldn't you?August 28th.
Nothing of importance happens. Absolutely nothing. Unless you count me being born on that date, as something. Which i highly doubt.
[QUOTE="BiancaDK"]Well, if you weren't born I wouldn't be responding to this post. You have impacted my life, no matter how small. I'd say that is important. Wouldn't you?August 28th.
Nothing of importance happens. Absolutely nothing. Unless you count me being born on that date, as something. Which i highly doubt.
Alright, it´s more than nothing, making it something, you´re quite right.
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