Well, I stumbled upon the song, "This is Halloween" on YouTube somehow, and I enjoyed the hell out of it. I would rank it up there with some of my all time favorite songs (maybe because it's still fresh in my mind). I don't remember if I ever saw the movie, but I always knew of it, and did experience a little bit of it in Kingdom Hearts.
So I rented it... And, well, after the initial first song, all the rest felt lackluster in comparison. They were okay, but they didn't have the same fluid flow as "This is Halloween." I also thought the characters said some stuff oddly and were about to break in to song when they really didn't. I dig the art style. That stuff's good, and it's a joy just seeing other parts of the world, although, I wish we could've seen more of Christmas Town.
The ending felt very quick. There was all this set up, and all Oogy Boogy did was capture Santa Clause and some girl. I thought he would've sucked away his powers or something, but nothing really happened. Jack came back fast and restored everything quickly... and that was the end. The ending just felt like it would've been extended further, but they wrapped up everything quickly. A short movie, but an okay one at that.
Overall, I could've done without seeing it. I'm probably not going to go out of my way to look up any of the other songs for pleasure, but none of them were bad.
Anyway, what say you?
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