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I watched that entire series, from the first to the last and I'm really proud of our history. :) There were faults here and there (Veitnam), but no one's history is perfect.
Listen to Churchill's speeches during wartime, those are quite impressive. But you are correct, Lincoln was an amazing orator. Our history, like British history, is full of impressive accomplishments but also some shameful acts. But nonetheless, it is an interesting history.
I like american history, apart from the native american elements the history of the U.S, is very interesting and inspiring. A lot of the people landing in America had nothing and in the case of the Irish during the famine they were lucky to arrive at all, lots died on the way in coffin ships.
Considering how short the history of the actual United States of America part of American history is, I'd say it's got about as many interesting moments per length of time as any other country. And as someone who's interesting in economics, the development of United States' monetary policy has always been particularly interesting to me.
yes I find it interesting. Some dark momments here and there. Wish we treated the native Americans a bit better (Im like 5% native american).
:lol: But in all seriousness, our history is definitely interesting... I feel we are in and plunging deeper into an even darker part of our story right now though...As politically indoctrinated as America's youth is, I not sure anyone knows how history.
Uhh, lemme see if I get this right, Jesus created America, the indians gave us land in exchange for turkey and we saved the world from hitler.
1. Massacre original owners.
2. Kick the english out.
I must say I find your historic characters very intrigung, but the history itself is nothing special.
Damn right nothing special. We believe in tradition here in the states. We've succeeded in keeping the historical method of advancement/creation of new societies going with our own birth and damn if it does not feel good.[QUOTE="Hakarie"]Damn right nothing special. We believe in tradition here in the states. We've succeeded in keeping the historical method of advancement/creation of new societies going with our own birth and damn if it does not feel good.1. Massacre original owners.
2. Kick the english out.
I must say I find your historic characters very intrigung, but the history itself is nothing special.
You mean screwing other countries for oil and taking a crap in mexico every once in a while?
1. Massacre original owners.
2. Kick the english out.
I must say I find your historic characters very intrigung, but the history itself is nothing special.
Damn right nothing special. We believe in tradition here in the states. We've succeeded in keeping the historical method of advancement/creation of new societies going with our own birth and damn if it does not feel good.You mean screwing other countries for oil and taking a crap in mexico every once in a while?
Did you just get tricked by your own ruse?We don't have history; that stuff comes from Europe, I thinkxaos
That's because Obama has done nothing to address the culture deficit.
I find many parts of it very interesting. I've never really studied other countries histories in depth, whereas I've at least taken an AP class and researched the history of the United States on my own time, so I don't really have anything to compare it to though.
not really a history to be proud of the way they treated black people and the indians all the way up to now, and dont forget Vietnam, Hiroshima, Nagasaki and Iraq, they better solve there own problems instead of investing money in war etc.DarthRoel
Ron Paul 2012
america has a facinating history. expecially for how brief it is compared to the rest of the world. so yes, i am proud of our history, even though there are some shameful bits like slavery and the indians and the near extinction of the buffalo
not really a history to be proud of the way they treated black people and the indians all the way up to now, and dont forget Vietnam, Hiroshima, Nagasaki and Iraq, they better solve there own problems instead of investing money in war etc.DarthRoelEvery country has committed horrible atrocities. Even then, some Native American tribes allied with Europeans to wipe out some other rival tribes. And black slavers also existed too, enslaving other black people. Absolutely horrible, I know, but the blame shouldn't lie with any particular country or group of people, but rather humanity. If given the power, we can be very cruel and brutal. I'm always thankful how today, we no longer have such tribalistic thinking.
No darker than world history. History in general is not the tale of happy endings.Its interesting, dark but interesting.
not really a history to be proud of the way they treated black people and the indians all the way up to now, and dont forget Vietnam, Hiroshima, Nagasaki and Iraq, they better solve there own problems instead of investing money in war etc.DarthRoelI am exceedingly grateful historians and teachers don't take your view on this. Every country on earth has dark blemishes in their past. Does that mean they shouldn't be proud of their history as well?
I think American history is very interesting, I remember when I was a kid I was always confused as to why people found it so boring. Some of the speeches given by presidents were incredibly epic and its a shame a fair amount of Americans have never bothered to listen to them. The Gettysburg Address in particular gets me every time I hear it especially when you consider how hopelessly divided the country seemed during that period. It all makes our current issues seem small in comparision to what they faced.
[QUOTE="Verge_6"][QUOTE="RandoIph"] 3- Get dragged kicking and screaming into the modern age.dsmccracken...come again? America has always been at the forefront of such things, alongside Britain. I think he was referring to them dragging the natives kicking and screaming. Well, he's listing off the actions of the US rather than those of the Native Americans.
I think he was referring to them dragging the natives kicking and screaming. Well, he's listing off the actions of the US rather than those of the Native Americans. Maybe, but that's what I think he was referring to.[QUOTE="dsmccracken"][QUOTE="Verge_6"] ...come again? America has always been at the forefront of such things, alongside Britain.Verge_6
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