I see your point in that miracles cannot be scientific evaluated. But God is believed to exist outside the limitations of science and nature so anytime he directly changes it then there is no point in trying to explain it scientifically, it ceases to become a scientific thing and becomes a religious thing. Easy there, science does not in any way try to explain our purpose here. THAT is what religion is for. You are correct, science is the best way to get good information about the world around you. Religion is here for that purpose and meaning. RationalAtheist
Its like, first you say God is part of nature, then you say God exists outside nature. When you say "there is no point in trying to explain it scientifically" you debase the scientific framework for DISCOVERY. Why is this boundary there, where religion steps in? Why has the boundary shrunk? Why so many different faiths?
Of course science endevours to exlpain why we are here. How can you trust a religion, when you know the evolution of humans on Earth has encompased many civlilisations with many different belief systems and practices. How do you know that your own specific interpretation of your divided branch of religion is the right one? How can you make a rational decision about your purpose with that sort of choice?
Religious meaning changes with time and as the faiths divide as the quibble over their assumptive interpretations from documents the presume to have divine qualities. The plethora of equally valid faith systems makes the choice meaningless for me.
Sigh God created nature but exists outside of it. Just as someone can create a painting but exist outside of it and still have total control over what happens to it. The way i decided that my specific interpretation of my branch of religion is correct is based on a long process of study, thought, and reasoning. It's just what makes sense to me. I have also studied the plethora of other faiths and none of them ring true like this one. I realize that its kind of dirty of me to abandon the argument right here but I've got an aeronautics test tomorrow and I've got to study. It's been nice discussing this with you however, and I will keep you in my prayers whether you like it or not ;) . Keep asking questions however. Question with boldness even the existence of a God; because, if there be one, he must more approve of the homage of reason, than that of blind-folded fear(Jefferson).
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