Alright so being that I live in small town, where being a manager at Mcdonalds or a high school teacher are considered about the most succesful jobs you can achieve, I need some input lol. I've been working on learning web coding for years now and still know it's definitely what I want to do in life. I'm about to turn 21 and have decided I definitely need to go to college if I'm going to get anywhere with it...but most people around here tell me it's a dumb idea and I'll regret wasting my time with it. One problem is that the people around here don't realize that in other more "advanced" areas people make really good money in this field. The college I'm working on getting into is super cheap and I got a crap ton of financial aid so it's pretty much free to go lol. All I have to do is adjust some things to pay my rent and all that and I'm good. What do you all think about college, and if it'd be a really good idea for what I'm planning on doing in life???
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