"Sir, would you like to try the latest fragrance by Dior?"
"NO! %$#$ OFF! I don't want that s&!t!!"
Really? How socially inept do you have to be to get offended by something like that? If God forbid your loved one dies, and someone says "You'll be in my prayers", why the hell would that offend you so badly? If someone says "God will bless you", and I'm assuming you don't have the social skills of a rock, how can you take that as someone looking down on you??? It's all good intentions. No one is nasty plotting in their basement thinking "heheheee I'm going to BLESS someone today because I am BETTER than him mwahahahaa!"... Most of the time it's just a turn of phrase. And if someone, with good intentions, is innocently expressing their condolences to you that somehow incorporates their faith, and you're penis enough to express your lack-thereof, and say "I DONT BELIEVE IN GOD GRAHHHHH TO THE OT BOARDS AWAYYYYYYY!!!"...well... you're just a douchebag, plain and simple. Are you that much of an ass that you would say something? Oh that's right, you won't, because 99% of the people in this thread who say they would say something back instead of humbly accepting the compliment, wouldn'y say jack sh!t and would most likely bottle it up just to release it on the OT boards a few hours later to try and sound "intellectual" and/or look like a hardass :lol:. It's comical, really. Same thing applies for other religions. If someone says "I'll pray to Allah for you", I'm not going to go out of my way and say "I'M CATHOLIC GET OUT OF MY FACE!!"... Anyone with the social skills of a four year old will recognize that the person blessing you isn't looking for a religious debate, but administering a simple compliment... so grow a pair, get some social skills, take the compliment like a man, and don't come and whine on OT and make a man-baby out of yourself.
EDIT: Changing the name of the perfume in my example because of the users sig below me.
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