Why are you so certain we're not gonna have contact with them? I mean sure it won't happen tomorrow or in 10 years but how can you be sure it won't happen in 100, 500, fucking 1000 years from now?
First of all I think you'll agree with me that we're just at the start of technological 'boom evolution'. In the last 60-70 years we've achieved more than humanity could do for 500-1000 years. That's a huge leap, and we've just started. We just now trying to understand and decode DNA, our Brain... true Artificial Intelligence is still years away but eventually it will happen and the quest for it just begun. Some say that by 2025-2035 we'll have our first colonies on Mars. Internet... that's our global network and we just started experiencing it 20 years ago, today no one can imagine life without internet. Advancements in medicine health care fields like prosthetic limbs or laboratory grown organs. Even Transhumanism... and the list goes on and on... but whole point is that our technological advancement is rapid and it will only continue developing. So why shouldn't I believe that eventually we'll discover SOMETHING, SOMEHOW that can help us making interstellar travels and even colonize other planets, and why not even getting in contact with some of those civilizations? For some of them we might look like gods (them being undeveloped yet), while for some others we might look like parasites.
Watch this guy... Michio Kaku... if you don't know him, he's a futurologist and theoretical physicist. In this video he explains his theory about types of civilization that could possibly occur in the universe.
PS: Sorry if you're struggling to understand my text, I'm not native english speaker.
Light speed barrier, dude. As far as we know, NOTHING can travel faster than light, and light only travels at about 186,000 miles per second. When you consider how absolutely freaking HUGE the universe is, this means that it takes the fastest thing in the universe a LONG ass time to get to even relatively close locations.
So...unless there are civilizations out there which have found a way to travel faster than light, we're PROBABLY effectively freaking alone in the universe.
And sure...I'm not CERTAIN of this. MAYBE it's possible to travel faster than light. There have been hypothetical proposals which MIGHT allow for bypassing the light speed barrier, such as wormholes. But I'd like to point out that none of this stuff has even been established to be physically POSSIBLE. Establish that it is possible within the realm of physics to travels faster than light (either through space or by bypassing space), and then I'll entertain the idea. Until then, I'm confident (although not CERTAIN) that we are effectively alone. I feel it's a pretty safe assumption that any civilization, no matter how advanced, must obey the laws of physics. And until physics have established that it's possible to travel faster than light, then that places a BIG limit on how far away any civilizations can be while still having an effect on us. They'd have to already live EXTREMELY close to us (in cosmic terms), and once we come to that conclusion it is very plausible that they aren't in existence at all. Because even if there are billions of intelligent civilizations in the universe, we're talking about THE ENTIRE UNIVERSE. That doesn't invalidate the very real possibility that the LOCAL area is entirely dead except for us.
Your assumption is very correct and makes sense... in fact to travel to the nearest star (Proxima Centauri) we need to travel with the speed of light for 4,2 years. That's insane I know, but do not underestimate humans and technology. Like you said wormholes could be indeed a possible solution for this, of course no one knows for sure as we haven't really discovered them and I can totally relate with your scepticism and it sounds very much like a sci-fi story, but please keep in mind that some years ago if you would speak about DNA or synthetic prosthetic limbs or spacecrafts or Internet or browsing your computer with simple thoughts (connected cables to your brains) and many many more other discoveries that we had recently... so yea if you would speak about all those things back then people would think that you're mentally ill or maybe even burn you thinking that you're a witch/sorcerer.
Nothing is impossible until proven otherwise, we still haven't proven that wormholes or other means of fast traveling are impossible. Even the time travel while not proven to exist, haven't been disproved as well. Just now we're trying to work on string theories, anti-matter, dark energy, multiverse, things that were unthinkable few decades ago. So maybe in 200 years we actually prove they exist, in 500 years we understand them better and in 3000 we could actually use them and manipulate them.
What makes science and physics awesome is that unlike religion it accepts the fact that it can be wrong and accepts any future revisions or other theories that can prove it wrong.
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