He was a guy just like Martin Luther King Jr but believed in violence.
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The Black Panthers are great but the stuff the FBI did to them was downright illegal, inciting conflict between the Black Nationalist groups so they'd kill eachother, false charges, illegal raids, the murder of Fred Hampton...I mean damn America is messed up. Towards the end of it though they did a great job with their social programs, then they died out. Then this new Black Panther Party comes along and taints their image, it's mind blowingly annoying. Huey Newton is a personal hero of mine, I love him :P[QUOTE="Toriko42"][QUOTE="TBoogy"]
You are on point. And I also like the Black Panthers, but am saddened that they lost their focus along the way. Could have been really special.
I wonder if many people know that you can't walk down the street with a rifle or shotgun because of the Black Panthers (and then governorRonald Raegan).
No doubt. The FBI was messed up, but I wish they had elevated above it. Stayed away from drugs and infighting. Focused on the social programs.
But either way, I belong to a group on Facebook called "I would be a Black Panther, but I was born too late". ;)
I think I'd join the hypothetical group "I'd be a Black Panther, but I am not Black" :lol:Malcom X was one of my favorite people of all time. I didn't read all the previous posts but skimmed over many of them. I'm surprised to not see anyone mention the thing that made Malcom great, imo. Most mention that he was a radical, scary to the establishment, great speaker, intelligent...etc.
The thing that made Malcom X great to me was his conviction to his beliefs and yet, the way he was man enough to change to a new and better direction when he realized he was wrong. At one time he was a drug dealer, hustler, pimp, hood. ...etc.
He then made a major change and denounced andgave all that up completely and became a Black Moslem. Which means he was educated, dignified, clean cut, health concious, and was a great spokesman for the beliefs of the B' Moslems and their leader Elija Muhammed, whom he had great reverence for.
Once he found out about some of the "mis-deeds" of Elija Muhammed and also took a trip to Mecca and saw the brother of all men he denounced the philosphy of "white devils" and broke from his leader and the Nation of Islam. This was another major change,which took great courage and honesty.
The ability to change previously held beliefs in the name of "what is right", inspite of serious threats of bodily harm (in one case), is what made Malcom X great. That is the mark of a real Man, imo. Plus the fact that Malcom X had one of the quickest and sharpest wits ever! He was brilliant! He loved his people dearly.
Whether the Nation of Islam was involved or not I believe Malcom was killed because he was about to go before the United Natios and bring charges against the U.S.for civil rights violations.
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