Satanism. (I know, I know...OT gets plenty of religious threads; there have been plenty about God lately, so I wanted to get the opposite perspective.)
Let me explain a few things about Satanism:
- There are two types of Satanism: theistic Satanism and symbolic Satanism. Theistic Satanism is the belief that Satan is a deity; symbolic Satanism is the belief that there is no Satanic diety, but we should embrace the ideologies of the Christian Satan.
- Theistic Satanists may or may not believe in a theistic God. While some believe in the concept of the theistic God and feel that it wants to prevent us from thinking for ourselves and having our own beliefs. Other theistic Satanists completely denounce the theistic God, instead choosing to believe in a passive creator or that Satan is a deity independant of any other deity.
- Satanists do not encourage people to be evil. While the Christian belief may be that Satan only embraces things which are evil, Satanists believe that the goal of Satan was to allow humans to have ther own ideas and not be chained to God.
- Satanists are not advocates of law-breaking. Satanists advocate doing what you desire and knowing and accepting whatever consequences may come from your actions.
- Satanists believe that one of Satan's goals was to make human gods. Satanists believe that by embracing the things which God denounces, we can become masters of our destinies and thus human gods. (NOTE: The use of "gods" in this context is not suggesting that people can be omnipotent or anything associated with a Judeo-Christian God.)
- Satanists do not believe hell is eternal torment. When you think about it, it doesn't even make sense from a Christian perspective; if I live my life doing what Satan wants, why would He punish me when I die?
I'm sure I could make more points, but they might or might not be addressed throughout this thread, depending on where it goes. So, to take the religious discussions in a new direction, what do you guys think about it?
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