Do you honestly believe that people of different races, religions, political leanings, classes and whatever else defines a person can live together in a peaceful, healthy, and happy society? Does not the racial tension, political warfare, and religious disagreements that characterize American society prove that multiculturalism does not work?
Take the recent fatal shooting of Black teenager Michael Brown by White police officer Darren Wilson as an example. Do you think that riots would have erupted if Darren Wilson were the same race as Michael Brown or do you think that everyone would have accepted the shooting as justified given the accounts of Darren Wilson and supporting eye-witnesses (and the suggestive footage of Brown robbing a convenience store)?
Take the age-old battle between Liberals and Conservatives as another example; the former wants everyone to be able to express themselves however they wish while the latter wants everyone to live according to a traditional set of rules and principles. These two parties claw at each other on a daily basis and tear one another to shreds during election seasons.
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