@GazaAli said:
Multiculturalism is in reality a farce that serves a purpose. First off you can't just lump radically different people together and expect them to get along fine, not if you want to sustain coexistence and compatibility for any considerable period of time anyway. Its hard enough getting people that share undeniably deep-rooted historical, ethnic, ideological, linguistic and other anthropological constructs to get along well with each other. Even the U.S which could be argued to be the most "multicultural" society to have ever existed in written history seems to still suffer from racial tension. The fact that states that claim to be multicultural tell people what they can or can't wear or build is proof enough of the farcical nature of the notion.
I don't think any averagely intelligent person who's also well-adjusted and self-possessed believes in multiculturalism as it is promoted and marketed to people in general. For a starter, states cannot be benevolent. Its no one's fault they just can't afford it if they want to survive and secure a decent level of overall well-being for their citizenry and the survival of the civilization itself. Bearing that in mind I often hear multiculturalism being paraded as a humanitarian and philanthropist concept which is just absurd and flat out deceitful. Multiculturalism is mostly a necessary evil that some societies cannot do without. Most if not all of the states adopting a multicultural approach for the maintenance of their societies suffer from declining populations. You can't really force people to procreate; I don't know how you would go about doing this and it would prove itself to be self-defeating anyway. Those states that decide to face this reality and swallow their pride start taking in people from abroad to make up for that decline. A multicultural approach to equalize the decline in the populace is the best available option because what it does is that it makes sure that no foreign nationality, ethnicity, religious group or any other alien entity would gain a disproportionate representation in the society. As such, the native population and their culture or civilization do not run the risk of being taken over by that foreign entity. So basically you're offsetting the decline through multiple minorities. This scheme is admittedly the one that ensures the preservation of the status quo the longest but these minorities won't remain minorities forever. They will continue to increase in numbers until society finds itself divided equally between groups that are alien to each other.
States that refuse to face reality and cling to national pride end up like Japan where the highest ranking official speaks of cleansing society of the elderly that seem to be making up half of the population.
So much wrong with your post. First, you imply someone is advocating lumping radically different people together overnight, which is a strawman.
Next you violate the law of identity with an equivocation: either the example of people sharing historical, linguistic, ethnic, ideological, and anthropological constructs means they are substantially the same, in which case they are not a multicultural population, or they are a multicultural population that does not share those same attributes beyond a superficial comparison at best. It cannot be both.
Then you state a false generalization regarding what can and cannot be done regarding dress and construction in multicultural states.
And that is just the first paragraph.
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