The strongest8 imo:
1. U.S.- One of the larger armies when it comes to numbers. Best trained overall. The strongest tanks (Abrams). The strongest air force which includes F-16s, B-2 Stealth Bombers, F/A-18s, And soon will have F-22 Raptors. Of course, the highly classified Aurora Bomber is also there. Then there is the matter of all the spy technology and armored vehicles it has along with longrange missiles, nukes, etc. The navy is also obviously the strongest in the world.
2. Russia- More soldiers overall than the U.S.and are well trained. Strong ground vehicles like the T-90 tank. A strong air force filled with hundreds of MiGs and Su35s. Many other armored vehicles with helicopter backup similar to the U.S. Longrange missiles and many more nukes than any other country. Good spy technology.
3. China- Obviously has the most standing soldiers and reserves out of any country. Type 99 tanks aren't the best, but are good and they have many of them. The Chinese military is radily modernizing and the amount of powerful armored vehicles is going up. Numerous aircraft and battleships, but not very advanced. Nuclear capabilities.
4. Great Britain- Same as the U.S. with less troops and less aircraft. Stronger navy than any country besides the States. Strong Challenger 2 tanks. Nukes.
5. North Korea-Number-wise, one of the very largest armies in the world (comparable to U.S.) and are very well trained. Known to fight harder than most. Technology is weak butextremely numerous with many longranged artillery and thousands of tanks. One of the largest special ops forces. Very large, though old, navy. It has the strong Fulcrum MiG, but other than that its aircraft, though numerous, is weak. Limited nuclear capabilities.
6. Israel- The best spy technology in the world. Huge amounts of reserve troops, more than pretty much every other nation and the army as a whole is very well trained. Aircraft isn't very strong but good enough. Arguable the best tank (Merkava) besides the Abram, sometimes argued to be AS strong as the Abram. Some of the best equipped armored vehicles out of anymilitary in the world. Only country with an anti-ballistic missile defense system. Nuclear capabilities.
7. India- One of the largest militaries in size. Many armored vehicles including (though I'm not sure about this) the Russian T-90 tank.Air force is numerous but its fighters (MiGs) aren't very advanced, but they have good spy jets that can carry nukes. A fairly strong navy that has helped them win wars in the past. Nuclear capabilities.
8. France- Yes, I said France. There are countries you could argue are stronger, but this is my opinion. Less soldiers than anyone else mentioned, but strong technology, well-trained troops and nuclear capabilities. Its tank is strong, though I can't remember the name (starts with an L), but it's not as strong as the Abram, Merkava, or T-90. The rest of the French army is similar to the U.S. with less aerial and naval power.
Oh, and I found a list of rankings that don't agree with me completely.
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