[QUOTE="swizz-the-gamer"] What the hell?I'm saying that as drugs go, Ecstacy is relatively safe. And as for clouding the mind', it's not the same as Alcohol. Your not likely to stumble in-front of a car or down some stairs (unless you have taken waaay to much). You retain your motor skills. I'm willing to bet that there have been an incredibley small amount of fights with people on ecstacy as it removes all feelings of aggression and replaces them with a chemical love and trust for everyone.
Hence, the reason driving under the influence of alchohol is illegal. It's not safe. So we're in agreement...drugs are not safe.:)
Yes...Neither are cars, bikes, guns, food, knives, dogs, fish, shovels, holes, cows, horses, doors, screwdrivers, rope, wrenches, wood, houses, water...
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