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[QUOTE="thegerg"][QUOTE="LJS9502_basic"]Well then I guess it's up to you to show that discrimination is legal in the US. Who you chose to be friends with is not pertinent to this discussion. LJS9502_basicWho one may choose to be friends with shows that discrimination is legal. The friends aspect is your argument. Not mine. Mine was based on US laws. Since the topic is about the US. So show me where it's stated discrimination is legal in the US. That was your initial point.
uhhh i can you right now you're not gonna get anywhere. it'd probably just be better to accept that you two are arguing two different points.
thegerg, you should admit you kind of went off topic.LJS9502_basic should acknowledgethegerg's argument even if it's off topic for the sake of your own sanity.
sorry i just realized that was really bossy, im still gonna send this post though, lol.
[QUOTE="LJS9502_basic"][QUOTE="thegerg"] Who one may choose to be friends with shows that discrimination is legal. thegergThe friends aspect is your argument. Not mine. Mine was based on US laws. Since the topic is about the US. So show me where it's stated discrimination is legal in the US. That was your initial point. If your argument (discrimination is illegal in the US) is based on US laws, then you are clearly ignorant of US law. Nowhere in the law is it " stated discrimination is illegal in the US" in the same way that it is not state in law that wearing a blue shirt on Wednesday is legal. That's simply not how law works.
Fixed it for ya. IT read wrong originally.
The friends aspect is your argument. Not mine. Mine was based on US laws. Since the topic is about the US. So show me where it's stated discrimination is legal in the US. That was your initial point.[QUOTE="LJS9502_basic"][QUOTE="thegerg"] Who one may choose to be friends with shows that discrimination is legal. Phaze-Two
uhhh i can you right now you're not gonna get anywhere. it'd probably just be better to accept that you two are arguing two different points.
thegerg, you should admit you kind of went off topic.LJS9502_basic should acknowledgethegerg's argument even if it's off topic for the sake of your own sanity.
sorry i just realized that was really bossy, im still gonna send this post though, lol.
I suppose. Prior experience leads me to believe I shall just leave this. The thread topic was about the US as a country not the individuals and that is how I responded.[QUOTE="WhiteKnight77"][QUOTE="thegerg"] If your argument (discrimination is illegal in the US) is based on US laws, then you are clearly ignorant of US law. Nowhere in the law is it " stated discrimination is illegal in the US" in the same way that it is not state in law that wearing a blue shirt on Wednesday is legal. That's simply not how law works. thegerg
Fixed it for ya. IT read wrong originally.
I appreciate it, but it doesn't read wrong. Go back and read it again and the post leading up to it.I have been following this thread intently and read everything (I am of Irish descent so it drew me to it, especially in light of what I posted last night). It looked like you were saying that there is a law stating that discrimination is legal. Anyhow, we both agree that discrimination is illegal in certain circumstances as I already noted, but for individuals and private groups, there certainly is nothing stopping any sort of discrimination.
(I am of Irish descent so it drew me to it, WhiteKnight77I'm of Irish descent.....on one side of my family.
Maybe discrimination was not the best word but there are a lot of ways to discriminate in a subtle way. Anyways the article clearly shows racial profiling and prejudice against the irish guy back then a thing that I think is very common in the US against other races like hispanics and blacks. That was basically my point. kuraimenWell there is no denying that some people are prejudiced....but that works both ways. Some of the Hispanics are as can't make everyone love each other. Best you can do is ask for civility....though this is hardly unique to the US.
Yup, one of the biggest hypocrisies in North America. The old immigrants feel themselves to be the natural residents of the land and hate the new immigrants.F1_2004Generalizations....they just aren't true.
Yup, one of the biggest hypocrisies in North America. The old immigrants feel themselves to be the natural residents of the land and hate the new immigrants.F1_2004
There is a big difference between going through the proper channels to immigrate to the US and another to sneak across the border. That is where the rub is. My ancestors came here legally. I have Hispanic friends who came here legally and have their green cards (not actually green either) and dislike what illegals are doing. There are those here on Gamespot who came to the US legally and dislike illegal immigrants too.
i predict once the Hispanics become the majority race we are going to discriminate Canadians crossing the borderplaymynutzwe canadians dont bother our selves with that. we live in the best country in the world. last time i checked it was the americans crossing our boarder looking for jobs because their economy went to hell. ;)
[QUOTE="rawsavon"][QUOTE="LJS9502_basic"]Actually I said it was illegal. And since discrimination is illegal...that statement was correct on the surface. While there are exceptions to every cannot say that my statement was incorrect.LJS9502_basicI just proved that was not correct :? Discrimination is not illegal...certain forms by certain parties is illegal, but that is all All you need is one negative to negate to the rule LJ Example, all these numbers are odd: 3, 5, 7, 9, 2 Is that true? no...2 is even The rule is false even though most of the numbers are odd So your statement was, in fact, not accurateFor your statement to be correct....discrimination has to be legal. Since we know it's not always legal to discriminate...your statement is false. That is not at all accurate LJ. I would have had to say 'discrimination is legal' (and nothing more, a blanket statement)...the opposite of what you said I said no such thing You said 'discrimination is illegal' This statement is not correct as I have shown cases where it is allowed You were not correct, I am sorry :( Discrimination is neither legal or illegal (as a blanket statement). The legality depends on the type and parties involved
[QUOTE="playmynutz"]i predict once the Hispanics become the majority race we are going to discriminate Canadians crossing the borderOmega-316we canadians dont bother our selves with that. we live in the best country in the world. last time i checked it was the americans crossing our boarder looking for jobs because their economy went to hell. ;) Ah Canadians do come here for work....we get plenty of doctors.
[QUOTE="F1_2004"]Yup, one of the biggest hypocrisies in North America. The old immigrants feel themselves to be the natural residents of the land and hate the new immigrants.LJS9502_basicGeneralizations....they just aren't true. ...same as your generalization about discrimination being illegal...was 'just not true' ROFL
[QUOTE="F1_2004"]Yup, one of the biggest hypocrisies in North America. The old immigrants feel themselves to be the natural residents of the land and hate the new immigrants.WhiteKnight77
There is a big difference between going through the proper channels to immigrate to the US and another to sneak across the border. That is where the rub is. My ancestors came here legally. I have Hispanic friends who came here legally and have their green cards (not actually green either) and dislike what illegals are doing. There are those here on Gamespot who came to the US legally and dislike illegal immigrants too.
lol what channels? The old immigrants from Europe, whom the majority of white Americans are descended from, just waltzed into America.[QUOTE="LJS9502_basic"][QUOTE="rawsavon"] I just proved that was not correct :? Discrimination is not illegal...certain forms by certain parties is illegal, but that is all All you need is one negative to negate to the rule LJ Example, all these numbers are odd: 3, 5, 7, 9, 2 Is that true? no...2 is even The rule is false even though most of the numbers are odd So your statement was, in fact, not accuraterawsavonFor your statement to be correct....discrimination has to be legal. Since we know it's not always legal to discriminate...your statement is false. That is not at all accurate LJ. I would have had to say 'discrimination is legal' (and nothing more, a blanket statement)...the opposite of what you said I said no such thing You said 'discrimination is illegal' This statement is not correct as I have shown cases where it is allowed You were not correct, I am sorry :( Discrimination is neither legal or illegal (as a blanket statement). The legality depends on the type and parties involvedNo. Context is key. And in the US it is illegal to discriminate based on race, sex, age, ethnicity and religion. And this is the context I was speaking of when I made my statement. You can argue it all you want...but the government says you'd be wrong.
[QUOTE="LJS9502_basic"][QUOTE="F1_2004"]Yup, one of the biggest hypocrisies in North America. The old immigrants feel themselves to be the natural residents of the land and hate the new immigrants.rawsavonGeneralizations....they just aren't true. ...same as your generalization about discrimination being illegal...was 'just not true' ROFLWrong. I was speaking of a specific definition. You can roll on the floor all you want....but my context is correct.;)
That is not at all accurate LJ. I would have had to say 'discrimination is legal' (and nothing more, a blanket statement)...the opposite of what you said I said no such thing You said 'discrimination is illegal' This statement is not correct as I have shown cases where it is allowed You were not correct, I am sorry :( Discrimination is neither legal or illegal (as a blanket statement). The legality depends on the type and parties involvedNo. Context is key. And in the US it is illegal to discriminate based on race, sex, age, ethnicity and religion. And this is the context I was speaking of when I made my statement. You can argue it all you want...but the government says you'd be wrong. rofl I just showed you where sex based discrimination is allowed under US law ...your statement was wrong[QUOTE="rawsavon"][QUOTE="LJS9502_basic"]For your statement to be correct....discrimination has to be legal. Since we know it's not always legal to discriminate...your statement is false.LJS9502_basic
[QUOTE="LJS9502_basic"][QUOTE="F1_2004"]Yup, one of the biggest hypocrisies in North America. The old immigrants feel themselves to be the natural residents of the land and hate the new immigrants.rawsavonGeneralizations....they just aren't true. ...same as your generalization about discrimination being illegal...was 'just not true' ROFL oh please good sir, spare us another 10 pages of argument cause you know that's where this is gonna go
[QUOTE="LJS9502_basic"]No. Context is key. And in the US it is illegal to discriminate based on race, sex, age, ethnicity and religion. And this is the context I was speaking of when I made my statement. You can argue it all you want...but the government says you'd be wrong. rofl I just showed you where sex based discrimination is allowed under US law ...your statement was wrongI just gave you US law....trumps your opinion. And again...context is key. You are making straw man arguments dude.[QUOTE="rawsavon"] That is not at all accurate LJ. I would have had to say 'discrimination is legal' (and nothing more, a blanket statement)...the opposite of what you said I said no such thing You said 'discrimination is illegal' This statement is not correct as I have shown cases where it is allowed You were not correct, I am sorry :( Discrimination is neither legal or illegal (as a blanket statement). The legality depends on the type and parties involvedrawsavon
[QUOTE="rawsavon"][QUOTE="LJS9502_basic"]No. Context is key. And in the US it is illegal to discriminate based on race, sex, age, ethnicity and religion. And this is the context I was speaking of when I made my statement. You can argue it all you want...but the government says you'd be wrong.rofl I just showed you where sex based discrimination is allowed under US law ...your statement was wrongI just gave you US law....trumps your opinion. And again...context is key. You are making straw man arguments dude.LJS9502_basic
What are you talking about LJ :lol:
I also used US law. Hooters has been taken to court and won...setting a precedent that discrimination based on sex is allowed (depends on the circumstances).
So you cannot say that discrimination based on sex is illegal (it is neither legal or illegal...depends).
I have proven your statement to be false by negating your assertion.
I love you dude. I really do. :)
Way to generalize. Discrimination is illegal in the US by the is both a generalization and false But the user did not do that (they persisted in defending it). You are correct though. I should have known the outcome and let the false information stand is both a generalization and false But the user did not do that (they persisted in defending it). You are correct though. I should have known the outcome and let the false information standrawsavon:roll: As I said...proper context. And I gave you the link to exactly what I was talking about. It supported my statement. On the other continue to give an opinion. So with nothing substantial to respond to in this thread...I'm out. But you didn't prove what you think your did either.
:roll: As I said...proper context. And I gave you the link to exactly what I was talking about. It supported my statement. On the other continue to give an opinion. So with nothing substantial to respond to in this thread...I'm out. But you didn't prove what you think your did either. US law (as proven by the hooters' court case) = my opinion LJ? Really??? My opinion must carry a ton of weight then...well, tbh, I always knew it did. And you did no such thing with your OP[QUOTE="rawsavon"] is both a generalization and false But the user did not do that (they persisted in defending it). You are correct though. I should have known the outcome and let the false information standLJS9502_basic
Way to generalize. Discrimination is illegal in the US by the way.LJS9502_basicYou accused someone of making a generalization and made (an incorrect) one in the processes Oh well...either way See you later dude :)
[QUOTE="WhiteKnight77"][QUOTE="F1_2004"]Yup, one of the biggest hypocrisies in North America. The old immigrants feel themselves to be the natural residents of the land and hate the new immigrants.F1_2004
There is a big difference between going through the proper channels to immigrate to the US and another to sneak across the border. That is where the rub is. My ancestors came here legally. I have Hispanic friends who came here legally and have their green cards (not actually green either) and dislike what illegals are doing. There are those here on Gamespot who came to the US legally and dislike illegal immigrants too.
lol what channels? The old immigrants from Europe, whom the majority of white Americans are descended from, just waltzed into America.Have you not heard of Ellis Island? That was the port of call for most immigrants and they had to fill out paperwork before they were allowed into the US and were asked questions relating to names, occupations and if they could support themselves. They were also required to have X amount of money on them. Those that were sick or diseased were sent back to where they came from. Unskilled workers were denied entry due to the possibility of becoming a drain on government services (entering England you are asked if you have money and a place to stay, even if you are just there on vacation for that same reason, who would have thought it could happen in a European country too?) and others were sent back due to being criminals.
Illegal immigrants just swim the river or jump the fence or cross the desert or get packed into trucks like sardines (there is a pic of a girl hiding in the dashboard of a truck on the net). They are not going through the proper channels as my ancestors did (they actually came in through Maine and the Port of Chicago and yes, had to fill out forms and show that they could fend for themselves).
The trouble with that line of thinking is that your just reinforcing it. Once you start labelling people as irish, hispanic, etc. you are encouraging others to do the same.This in turn causes people to create differences and so forth. Why play that game? Why not just say that discrimination is wrong? There really isnt one group of people that is somehow more just or noble than another. It's just the situations vary.
[QUOTE="markop2003"]Saint Patricks Battalion - A unit that fought as part of the Mexican army and was made up of Irishmen and Mexicans as well as other nationalities What do i win?kuraimenA Guiness beer or an enchilada. You choose. Both give me the runs.
That is not at all accurate LJ. I would have had to say 'discrimination is legal' (and nothing more, a blanket statement)...the opposite of what you said I said no such thing You said 'discrimination is illegal' This statement is not correct as I have shown cases where it is allowed You were not correct, I am sorry :( Discrimination is neither legal or illegal (as a blanket statement). The legality depends on the type and parties involvedNo. Context is key. And in the US it is illegal to discriminate based on race, sex, age, ethnicity and religion. And this is the context I was speaking of when I made my statement. You can argue it all you want...but the government says you'd be wrong.[QUOTE="rawsavon"][QUOTE="LJS9502_basic"]For your statement to be correct....discrimination has to be legal. Since we know it's not always legal to discriminate...your statement is false.LJS9502_basic
LJ, you did show what I stated earlier:
Federal law, including Title VII of the Civil Rights Act, prohibits employment discrimination based on any one of those characteristics. Other federal statutes, supplemented by court decisions, prohibit discrimination in voting rights, housing, credit extension, public education, and access to public facilities. State laws also provide further protection against discrimination.Your link
Again, this does not include private citizens or private groups or in Rawsavon's instance, Hooter's not hiring a man as a server in their restaurants (though Hooters cannot discriminate against anyone for any other job including managers, cooks and others who seek employment). The Mason's (private orginization) have the right to exclude anyone they wish based on sex, religion or race if they so desire.
But my Irish ancestors came here legally. I have no problem with hispanics, that would be silly. What I do have a problem with is those who are here illegally.
lol what channels? The old immigrants from Europe, whom the majority of white Americans are descended from, just waltzed into America.[QUOTE="F1_2004"][QUOTE="WhiteKnight77"]
There is a big difference between going through the proper channels to immigrate to the US and another to sneak across the border. That is where the rub is. My ancestors came here legally. I have Hispanic friends who came here legally and have their green cards (not actually green either) and dislike what illegals are doing. There are those here on Gamespot who came to the US legally and dislike illegal immigrants too.
Have you not heard of Ellis Island? That was the port of call for most immigrants and they had to fill out paperwork before they were allowed into the US and were asked questions relating to names, occupations and if they could support themselves. They were also required to have X amount of money on them. Those that were sick or diseased were sent back to where they came from. Unskilled workers were denied entry due to the possibility of becoming a drain on government services (entering England you are asked if you have money and a place to stay, even if you are just there on vacation for that same reason, who would have thought it could happen in a European country too?) and others were sent back due to being criminals.
Illegal immigrants just swim the river or jump the fence or cross the desert or get packed into trucks like sardines (there is a pic of a girl hiding in the dashboard of a truck on the net). They are not going through the proper channels as my ancestors did (they actually came in through Maine and the Port of Chicago and yes, had to fill out forms and show that they could fend for themselves).
They might have filled out some sort of paperwork with their name and occupation, but it's nothing like what it takes to immigrate to US now. Hell during the potato famine, almost a million Irish escaped famine and poverty by immigrating to the US. Tons snuck into the country "illegally". To compare immigration back then to now is just silly. You think any of these Mexicans escaping famine and poverty would have any chance of making it into the US today? Back then (before the late 1800's) if you could afford the ticket, you could immigrate.They both were not originally from the US, they migrated to the US and they got discriminated and mistreated in the US for being immigrants. The only difference is that many of those irish descendants are the ones doing the last thing to the hispanics right now. History truly repeats itself.
Irish immigrant hanged in 1845 receives Rhode Island pardon
Being Irish I could potentially be insulted by this post. Luckily enough it's so badly written that it is impossible to figure out.
But see, the supporters of illigal immigration (mostly hispanic supporters) try to convince people that it has do do with race and that anyone who is against illigal immigration is, in fact, a racist.But my Irish ancestors came here legally. I have no problem with hispanics, that would be silly. What I do have a problem with is those who are here illegally.
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