As a rule, I generally dislike jewelry or "accessories" of any kind; I think it is pure vanity and superficial in many cases, not including sentimental items like wedding rings or heirlooms.
I mean, why? Why would you wear a "man's" bracelet? It serves no purpose, it does not look cool, and in fact you might actually cause others to negatively judge you when you wear it (hope you don't wear it on job interviews. for example).
In the end it's not a huge deal to me, I don't really care that much. But if I ever met a dude with a thumb ring, "man's" bracelet, exceedingly expensive watch, and items of that nature, my initial impression will be "Man, this guy is a total douche nozzle"
Says the person who judges a book by its cover...
lol fair enough. TBH, I was going to go back and edit that part out, but the fact is I will think that. Fortunately I love people that give good second impressions, and I certainly won't continue to judge someone based on the fact they wear a bracelet if they are a good person.
So yeah, I do judge a book by its cover, but I give those books a try anyway because life is about broadening horizons and being open to things you think you don't like.
It's like beer. People often say "Oh, I hate hoppy beers" and my response is generally "Nah, you just haven't found one you like yet" :D
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