People don't normally smoke shitty weed from Mexico anymore as far as I can tell. That stuff smells awful. Makes sense since its low grade and transported in diesel tanks over the border. The good stuff which is the standard these days is very pungent and skunky and sweet and fresh. It smells like freedom to me. I do not smoke anymore for the simple reason that I could loose my job. Take that away and I would be doing it all the time and drinking a whole lot less. Marijuana is child's play next to the harms of alcohol.
If you've ever been in Seattle the weed is like:
stench of sweat, farts, and smoke combined (or skunk as other people have said)
Its horrible. Except I can't really say I smell good either since I smoke. I always smell like nicotine and factories.
It's funny to think that tobacco will eventually be illegal or way too expensive to all but the rich and marijuana will be legal federally (if we don't elect a republican). It does make sense as far as health reasons go but I'm against any of it being illegal. The nanny state is the worst and adults should be able make their own life decisions. How else could we be considered free? One thing I agree with libertarians about.
Vancouverite reporting in. The thing is, people don't really hide it here. You do smell it a lot when in certain parts of town. Its pretty common to walk past a park and see someone just smoking a joint on a bench.
Some people don't really hide it here either, it's legal after all. But just because I see someone smoking on a bench doesn't mean I can smell him from across the park. Even if I walked by him I likely wouldn't smell it. I'd love to get a good whiff of weed out in public - it's one of my favorite smells, but it just doesn't happen very often in my experience. If people in real life had a fraction of the sense of smell people claimed to have here, I'd have been fired a long time ago, gotten friends kicks out of their house, gotten in a lot of trouble in college, etc.
I'm under the impression people who aren't around weed very often walked by a drug dealer once a couple months ago, or smelled it on someone in a store, and now claim to smell it all the time.
It really does smell like skunk. Now I wonder if someone got so high and craved weed so much but the only thing around are skunks, would they try to catch a skunk and sniff their spray. Can you get high from skunk spray?
sounds like too much effort for someone that stoned
I'm happy someone gets to enjoy legal weed. I hope to join you soonish (my state is Illinois). Kindly smoke some for me if you would.
I'm happy someone gets to enjoy legal weed. I hope to join you soonish (my state is Illinois). Kindly smoke some for me if you would.
Will do haha. None of the right's fears about decriminalization have come true. The price has gone down, I'm getting better stuff for cheaper, it's generating tax revenue, and police can probably worry about doing actual police work. I have vaped 2 ft from a seattle policeman on more than 1 occasion, and they could not care less. It's awesome.
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