[QUOTE="Dreams-Visions"][QUOTE="kyosukeugc"][QUOTE="Dreams-Visions"] What's with all this fear-mongering and FUD, kool-aids? He's not interested in banning handguns. He's not "the worst" choice for America; he's a different choice. He's not going to make us less secure. He'll re-establish our global respect...and probably get more done in Washington than Hill and McCain could dream of.
It doesn't matter anyway. He's already essentially won the DNC (Hill can't catch up in pledged delegates...and supers won't go against the will of the people unless something major happens). He'll probably handily defeat McCain.
And that will be that. Less FUD = win.
Obama is a liar in claiming he wants to work with everyone (he has YET to prove that as he's the most liberal person in congress).
Global respect? LOL. We are quite respected around the world actually. The one who don't like us right now are people like Fidel Castro, Chavez, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, etc. - Funny enough, these same people who don't like us are the same people who want Hillary or Obama to win. Imagine that?
Also, you can keep dreaming all you want about the Super Delegates going with the people. The Super Delegates were put in place by the DNC to be sure the party insiders picked the candidate, NOT the people. They did it to make sure there would be no chances of someone like Jimmy Carter ever again.
1.) He has worked with others across both sides of the aisle in the Illinois Senate. FACT.
2.) He has worked with others across both sides of the aisle in the US Senate. FACT.
3.) We are not "quite well respected around the world". FACT. You need to travel more. The Iraq War has done great damage. To suggest that Fidel and Chavez are the only types of people who harbor disdain towards us is...proudly ignorant. 2 things that should never go together.
4.) Doesn't matter what you'd like to think or hope. Obama has the DNC locked up. It's all over but the crying. You'll have to come to grips with that. If you don't want him to be your President, don't vote for him. Not that it will matter a whole lot.
5.) How do you propose to claim that you know Obama has lied about his intentions? That's a pretty strong accusation...and without evidence that he doesn't want to do exactly what he said he wants to do...you're doing nothing more than spreading FUD. Let me guess....you have a feeling. :lol:
You can cease-fire on the FUD-spreading, because I can pull out links to back up all of my commentary. You...you have your opinion based on what? Rush? Glenn Beck? Fox News? :lol: Good luck with that.
Ok, obviously you would rather worship at the alter of your second coming of Christ. So go ahead and do so.
Working with people, is not the same as actualy "working" with people. Hillary is more known for working with both sides, as McCain is as well.
Stop confusing your perception of America with the world's view.
It's not a matter of what I think or hope, it's how the DNC works. It's actually going to be a miracle for Obama to get the nomination. The DNC insiders look at a lot more factors than just what the people think. They could honestly care less what the people think. It goes with whatever is in their best interest at the time and what they think will bold the most power.
Platitudes won't get Obama anywhere and his past is starting to come out to haunt him. Also that renegade wife of his is going to get him in even more trouble as well. If she doesn't learn to shut her mouth, then he's in for a load of trouble. Unless he starts using substance and not talking political BS, then he won't win this election.
1.) lol wut. The alter of Obama? :lol: I was a Huckabee supporter. Take your piss-poor assumptions elsewhere.
2.) They've all worked across the isle. And his "working with people" is the same as everyone else's "working with people". Prove otherwise. Don't make empty assertions as if you're talking to a 12-year old.
3.) My perctption of America is fine. Check yours out for a change. What's with your haughtiness. All this name-calling stuff is humorous at best. Maturity-showing too.
4.) Then you should know that the DNC has its candidate...it just hasn't been announced yet. If Hillary plays her cards right, she might get the VP slot. Obama will take the nomination. It's over.
5.) "Platitudes"...lol...you're another one of those who learned a new word from Rush along the way. I think he's aware that platitudes won't get him anywhere. That's why he has policy, plans and an agenda (whether you like his agenda is inconsequential...the point is there is one and it's clear that's true). His wife will be fine. His past probabaly won't hurt him. Maybe you should turn on something other than his stump speech if you want to hear about the "substance". Because there's no shortage of it. Or, you could visit his homepage. There's plenty of it there too.
Or...you can continue insulting your fellow posters. Chances are good you won't be around to do that much longer...so I recommend you do not.
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