I was doing some thinking and I formed this question from listening to very many different people talking about the election, and many of them say things like "this is who God want's to win" or "Jesus would be a Democrat" or "Jesus would be a Republican". But I don't think these Christians would vote for Jesus if he was actually running for office, I don't think anyone really would.
Let's take a look at it:
Foreign Policy-"Turn the other Cheek", Jesus is all about praying for your enemies and not engaging them with violence. That means he would be against all forms of military, we wouldn't have one anymore. That is a scary thought huh?
Economics-"It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than it is for a rich man to enter heaven", Jesus said the best way to be righteous is for one to give all of their positions and wealth to the poor. This would not go over too well today, especially with the GOP. We would become a very poor nation as we would be giving money to every other country that asked for it.
Health Care- Jesus was all about healing the sick and needy, and he did it for free. Jesus would be supportive of free health care for everyone, so isn't i thypocrytical of Christians, mainly the GOP Christians, to be against health care reform?
There are many more issues, but I felt like these 3 are the big one's that are going to determine the results in this election. If Jesus was running for president, he would be considered the worst and most craziest politician in history.
No one would support him because the results would be disasterous. Please do not assume I am anti Christian, I am not. I like Christian people and I defend them on here regularly. But what I am saying is the truth. I couldn't see Jesus running as a Republican and I don't know if he would run as a Democrat either.
But I should mention that I am Jewish so my knowledge of Jesus is not the best, it comes from my own reading of The Bible and my theology class.
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