Hush your mouth! DBZ is timeless![QUOTE="Capitan_Kid"][QUOTE="Lucky_Krystal"]
I'm surprised at all the mentions of DBZ. I mean sure, I used to think the same. But that was back when I was a kid with low expectations and knowledge of what makes a really good show. That and I had never seen any other anime aside from Sailor Moon and Pokemon. But viewing DBZ as an adult with my nostalgia visors taken off, that show was awful.
I won't deny its influence. Its one of the first of the "long drawn out shonen anime." It paved the way for shows like Naruto, One Piece, and Bleach. And I'd honestly take DBZ over those 3 shows anyday. But its still cheesy, over the top, full of fillers and a even a few plot holes. The plot and characters aren't all that deep either; in fact they're very simplistic. I just think that there are many works in the medium that are far greater than DBZ.
None of that matters since DBZ Kai fixed it. It's not drawn out or full of fillers.
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