To live in the patteren of love.
studies show that there are really only 2 feeling we feel, FEAR & LOVE, and that everything else springs off from this. People who live in love, have more antennae(so to speak) encoded within their DNA that alows them to pick up on certain things pertaining to love.
people who live in fear have a more broader wave length and are limited to the number of antenae their DNA gets. it wierd, i know....
everything comes from vibrations
Exactly as i wrote in my first couple of paragraphs on the first page-
Meaning of Life
To perfect oneself in love(high vibration), before you were born you mapped out your life on this earth(from heaven), chose your parents, and also the events which would happen in your life,raisingthe vibration of thethespiritual body as your primary goal, learning through experience(you can be told something, but to understand it you need to experience it). Destiny a future already written in stone, or is it?. Destiny supports the notion of one path ---------->, free will would hence be impossible with the notion of destiny. So how can the future be forseen you ask?, lets take that one path ------->, now lets add two choices to that path --------> 1. 2. destiny suggests that the choice you make is already decided, so good and bad decisions are not down to choice but through a predetermined path, which is alreadydecided for you. Destiny is nothing more than an excuse, to pinpoint the blame on something elserather thanthe consequenceof your actions.
Go on the website i posted, it tells you all about the soul and how it's made up of two vibrations-High(love) low(negative), nice to get some more evidence though-)
I'm not going to go on the website you posted since I already know these things, but lets hope that others do.
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