Is this some kind of joke? People everywhere are comparing Bucket head to legend guitarists like Dimebag Darrell and Kirk Hammett... Why do people think that buckethead is good, it sounds like really fast techno, its horrible. Listen for yourself...
Also, this cant be ignored, why is he wearing a mask with a bucket on his head? Does he think it makes him look cool or something.
This post is the definition of ignorance. The fact can't be ignored that Buckethead is technically brilliant. I'm not saying he's better than Dimebag, or Kirk Hammet but that doesn't mean he isn't a brilliant guitarist. If you think it sounds like really fast techno (then obviously you're only judging him on one piece, more ignorance) then that is your opinion. Just don't listen to him. You didn't like Jordan, that's fine. Try this instead, as it's probably closer to the sort of music you like.
Don't bother if you listened to more than just that one song. If you have, then my assumptions were wrong and I'm sorry but Buckethead has a lot of variation from song to song. It's probably just me, but most of Kirk Hammet's solos sounded similar. Probably because he always over uses whammy.
You've missed the point completely with the bucket, and the mask. You should really think about these things carefully before you judge. Why would he wear a chicken bucket on his head to look cool? I think he's wearing it for the opposite effect. This is just my opinion of course, as he hasn't made any kind of a public statement about why he wears it. I do remember reading about an interview where Ozzy was talking to him. He was willing to play with him with the condition that he lost the bucket, which he did but he came back wearing an alien mask.
To me, the disguise is merely a persona that he has created for many possible reasons. The first, and most likely is that he has issues with his identity and is self conscious. It's probably easier for him to play as Buckethead, then to play as Brian Carroll. That shouldn't be a difficult concept to grasp. I'm sure we've all worn a mask before, and found it easier to be a free spirit while wearing one.
He could be wearing it to make a statement about the importance of image in the music industry. It shouldn't matter what you look like. All that matters, is the music.
He could also just be a genius. Wearing this disguise has created an identity that stands out easily from the hundreds of other exceptional guitarists in the world.
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