The example I provided was a simplification, and it is easy to view the simplicity of the example of a process as an argument seperating the robot from the monkey- but I'm unsure that is the case. You mentioned 'comfort', which is key to all of this. A reductionist would view it "only" as the chemical reactions taking place in the brain that would consistute comfort. It would be much like a process of the robot. This 'you' which I am talking about, is that ability to feel, to experience. Therefore, I conclude that 'you' at it's most basic and stripped form, is a seperate ability to feel. This may sound confusing, but don't worry, I am not describing it properly. This is good though, I've thought of some new questions about what life is.brandontwb
Well my examples were purposefully simplified as well, but with a subject like What is 'You' I think the simpler the examples the better, otherwise there's the potential for serious walls of text. But I wasn't exactly 100% clear with my robot example anyway. An awareness and feeling (the comfort thing) is definitely the key to 'personality' in my opinion.
Taking the robot example further: Say it was out in the rain because it was delivering a package, it did its computing or whatever and came to conclusion that although for a robot being out in the rain isn't ideal, according to its sensors and computers and calculation machines and stuff it could still complete it's primary objective without the rain causing any damage/harm. Now if it just paused, made those calculations and then continued on its way, it would not be 'thinking' but merely calculating imo. If it came to the conclusion that it could still deliver the package safely but 'thought' 'Ah, **** it, I'll have to polish myself to keep from rusting when I get home if I keep on in this', and took shelter while also delaying its objective, then it'd be 'thinking' - a 'you'.
This is what I meant in its simplest form of the Tree/Monkey example. A tree being rained on and doing nothing is the equivalent of a robot being rained on and yet still delivering its parcel or whatever. A monkey and a 'thinking' robot will both move out of the rain because, despite it not doing them any harm, they'd simply prefer to not be in it.
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