I had some drinks last night and I'm kinda sad to say that I didn't even get that tipsy. I had Mcdonalds before I went out (which is like a regular thing) but I decided on a milkshake with my meal instead of fanta. I think it was because of the milkshake that made me more tolerant. I had 4 and didn't feel much. I'm usually a lightweight so yeah lol.
Anyway, how tolerant are you?
Alcohal tolerance is a sign of being an alcohalic. And an empty stomach does not increase alcohal's effects, it just makes it so you feel it faster. Alcohol tolerance is not a sign of being an alcoholic :?. There are several factors that affect alcohol tolerance (for example weight). Also, drinking after having eaten will make the alcohol take longer to reach your blood, and by then you might have (depending on how much you drink and how fast you drink it) an easier time to regulate your alcohol level, therefore limiting it's effects. An increasing tolerance of alcohal by an individual is most definitely a sign of alcohalism. And yes it's true that food slows the absorbtion rate, but you've still consumed the same amount of alcohal and your blood alcohal levels will eventually be the same. You can also drink more (and faster) on an empty stomach and you do feel drunker faster because it hits you faster. The end result, however, is the same, though your brain may have more time to adapt to the intixication levels when you have food in your stomach. The way you regulate your alcohal levels is by regulating the amount you drink.
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