Yes Saturn and its rings! :DSaturn!
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Jupiterthe red spot,atmosphere or even gravity alone will prevent us from ever going on there.
I find the lack of Namek disturbing]cyberdarkkidAre we STILL on Namek? Blargh. I'll go with Venus. I watched an anime years ago about that planet being smacked by a huge ice meteor that radically changed the atmosphere and made it viable for terraforming, which was done, then we humans colonized it and immediately began killing each other. Good times.
Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune, and Uranus are all gas giants.umm i forget does Neptune have solid land or is it a gas planet for some reason i think it snows in neptune
also same with Uranaus Does that have land ??????
i like earth because i live on theresilky_smooth8do you really? i thought you were an alien :shock:
[QUOTE="Thessassin"]Pluto.. *starts singing Jumpin' Jack Flash* But it's aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaalriiiiiiiiiiiiiiight now, infact (the planet) it's a GAS! Jumpin' Jack Flash, it's a gas, gas, gaaaaaaaaaaasssssss! *scores 300**throws stylus and watches Elite Beat Divas fail*i miss pluto.:cry: i was quite fond of him.
Ever since playing Battlezone ive been more fascinated with the moons of the planets than the planets themselves. Europa (iirc) for example, is a moon of Jupiter, and beneath its frozen surface is an actual ocean. Who knows what could be under there?
But as for planets, I'd have to say blue, so mysterious. Its also where the movie Event Horizon takes place lol
[QUOTE="C_BozkurT_C"][QUOTE="BiancaDK"]earth is pretty cool. Im bias tho ;BiancaDKI prefer Mars Whats so great about mars? ;d it's sunny year round :P
[QUOTE="C_BozkurT_C"]it's sunny year round :PBiancaDKEarth is sunny all year round too, you just have to run really fast ;d and thats good for your cardiovascular system. win-win. good point. if only i could teleport from place to place, infinite sun :P
gonna have to go with Saturn, cause unlike guys, it shows up with a ring! *Oh snap!* AllicrombieOh yea, well I showed up with cake and we all know cake is better than everything else. :p I'll go with mars, because it's the best planet evar, well next to earth.
[QUOTE="BiancaDK"][QUOTE="C_BozkurT_C"] I prefer MarsC_BozkurT_CWhats so great about mars? ;d it's sunny year round :P
mars is....philadelphia?
hahaha you said uranus sorry im bored. My favorite planet is mars because its red and closest to being landed on and explored.
Yeh I agree. Jupiter and Saturn for me, whose sizes are simply incredible. Plus, Saturn's rings are beautiful.Hmm... tough to say. I've always been fascinated witih Jupiter and how big it is. I also love the patterns of its atmosphere. One day, we'll learn exactly what goes on inside that huge planet.
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