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A weird body
5'11" 195lbs - I eat like a pig(all healthy food tho) and I never gain any damn weight. I use the bathroom almost immediately after I'm done eating, so I guess my metabolism is working fast, but barely gives my body any time to drench itself with the nutrients etc the food provides.
or so that is what my doctor told me when I was 18.
I'm a hippo compared to you guys :cry:X360PS3AMD05
Hey man its cool, losing weight doesnt have to be difficult, believe me I know, I was pretty big when I was 13. If you want anymore help I have pamphlets on bulimia that can help you
5'10", 121lbs. I eat everything and never gain weight thanks to my super fast metabislism, which is a bad thing btw.fantasyfacade
haha i wish i had that, for me its exact opposite ;)
5"10/177cm, 200 pounds/90 kilos ... I'll admit that im a fatty, but i also have alot of muscle :P
Muscular build, bigger upper half(chest shoulders, back) thinner legs
I'd rather be un-muscular but well proportioned than top heavy :?
[QUOTE="SolidSnake_108"]5"8-ish and 126lbs.....need to lose some :xdarkIink
whaaaaaatt? I'm the exact same, my friends tell me to GAIN weight! I have little muscle on my arms and calves, but thats it, nothing but skin and bone everywhere else.
Everyone tells me that too....but they're just lying.......
I'm 163cm / 5'4" and 70kg/154lbs
I'm short and heavy for my height but i don't have much fat, I'm mainly muscle and people are surprised that I'm a very good runner.
170cm, 67 kg
very flexible, good strenght ( well better than the average at least), fast metabloism , reletively good sprinter but not to good,
does wushu and exercise everday in the morning
5'6 140lbs
last time I checked anyway. I have grown an inch and maybe bulked up a bit because of football. I am not fat at all. I'm not what someone would call skinny though. I'm too broad at the shoulders for anyone to say that.
[QUOTE="X360PS3AMD05"]I'm a hippo compared to you guys :cry:TurninTricks
Hey man its cool, losing weight doesnt have to be difficult, believe me I know, I was pretty big when I was 13. If you want anymore help I have pamphlets on bulimia that can help you
I'm 5'5 135 lbs.
6'2"...185.....Arms are 18 inches around atat their highest point...I'm not as ripped as I'd like to be but I'm getting there....I have a long torso and a thick chest..(genetically and has gotten thicker with weight training).......
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