highschool, usually A's, college- B's and C's usually with some A's, some D's. i hate it!
A-B's, English classes around D and C. Hopefully this year will improve. I'm a good speller and such, I just can't write essays.
Cs... senioritis hits hardbadaboom187lol I know what you mean man im a senior too ive been slacking off so much this year, one more semester to go though and we're done :wink:
B's with some A's. We dont do numbers, but around a B+ to low A-. Around an 86 average throughout HS.
I'm in college...all A's. 3.8 GPA. I've gotten two B's...one in Algebra (hardest B I've ever worked for) and one in Unix.
I don't usually get less than a B, but I'm in Ireland, and our examinations are at college level, our math examination has 18 topics :( No multiple choice :( :(
In my last report card I got..A - AccountingA - EnglishB - AnthropologyC - Functions and Relations (math)
Throughout high school I maintained a 3.87 GPA. For my first Baccalaureate degree I graduated with a 3.6.
[QUOTE="buckfush311"]I'm in college...all A's. 3.8 GPA. I've gotten two B's...one in Algebra (hardest B I've ever worked for) and one in Unix. WMU?
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