I've just been thinking about this question today. Wondering if actors are happy with their lives. Because when you see them on interviews they seem so cheery and happy, but when you see them they are always getting bothered by people, annoyed, and I can see why. A lot of actors turn to drugs and OD, many famous actors have died this way. So I just question if they are really happy. Are any of them happy, maybe just a small percentage?
Then i was thinking about me. What makes me happy. I love playing sports and just doing things in life. But I also like video games, and then I just wonder why. Why do video games make me happy, because when I think about it, they shouldn't. I know they are fun, but am I really happy? It just seems like a big waste of time... I use so much money on video games just to keep me from being bored... I could be doing other things, but this is just one hobby that is so easy and time consuming. And I know it's good to have hobbies, but this one just seems like such a waste.
I will either grow out of video games when I start working a career, or not have enough time for them. So when I think about the future of myself with video games it doesn't seem good. Which kind of sucks. I like experiencing all these different stories and games, but in the future I will probably forget about so many of them.
And I turn to.. what will make me happy... in the future? The only thing I can think of is hopefully getting a good job that I will love. That way I can do something that is fun, and worth while...
So what makes you happy, is the thing that makes you happy worth it? I know many of you play video games. So what do you think about that in this sense?
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