"Everything happens for a reason." I especially hate it when someones says it after something horrible happens.
Why do I hate it so much?? I don't really know to be honest but it really makes me angry.
I don't think everything happens for a conscious reason as though someone had planned it. An earthquake would be a great example. However, I do think that there's a reason for everything in that there's something that could be further explained about the incident, but I do not put much stock into the notion that it was planned by something divine.
"I hate political correctness" (for the people use that term on a normal basis, even though it deals with nothing they are talking about)
I also don't like when people criticize political correctness. I understand that political correctness treats issues too sensitive, but the irony behind people's complaints about it stems from the fact that many people, both conservatives and liberals, making politically correct statements all the time. An example of this is creationists' accusation that evolution is racist because many proponents of evolution have made claims of superiority in race Hitler or Darwin being the most famous examples; most modern evolutionary biologists do not agree with claims of superiority in race just to note). Yet, creationists tend to be conservative and I simply cannot seem to find it a conservative principle to be blind on the subject of race. I understand that we need to treat races equally and we should base our judgment of people based on their individual character, not as a group that they collectively belong to. However, I just can't fathom a world where we can't look around and say certain races aren't better or worse than others, regardless of whether we keep it secret or not, under the misguided notion that races are "equal" and that they're all alike and have no difference whatsoever. I would have thought it would be the liberals who would advocate this worldview, but it seems like a lot of conservatives advocate this belief as well. Some political correctness is good by the way, such as not using gay or "retarded" in a derogatory manner.
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