I don't conform to any religion, although I have been tought Christianity. I believe in the standards and moral beliefs in probably every religion. I think that all religions were brought about to help humans become uhmm not sure what word would be best so I'm just gonna say "good" people with "good" moral standards,(which I do believe is a "good" thing.) I am not really too educated on all of the technical terms and all, I am just going on my own thoughts here. I do not know if there is an actual "God" or not. Personally I think that it shouldn't matter to a human whether there is or isn't. In a way, I want to think, "why would anyone want to live their own life, the only one they have, the one that they are responsible for, why would they want to live that life serving any being. They should live it how they want." But in many ways, that belief can be so wrong.
I have always had a question about Christianity though. Regarding the previous posts about people who have never learned about the bible or Jesus and all, I have heard that they wouldn't go to hell, but go to heaven because they were ignorant of the beliefs of Christianity. My question is this: If that is the case, then why would missionaries go "spread the word" and give all of those people who would have ended up in heaven, the possiblity of going to hell? It just doesn't even make sense as to why anyone would do such a thing.
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