Here are some popular ideas for energy when we finally run out of oil......which is very soon. I for one, think we should adopt Electromagnetic energy. What do you think?
1. Hydrogen
2. Ethanol
3. Solar
4. Nuclear Fusion
5. Electromagnetic
From the looks of it, ethanol seems to be the next big thing. But why? For one, you have to grow food. So the price will depend on availablity of corn. Corn prices will go up too. I WANT CHEAP CORN! Seriously though, I think the most logical would be electromagnetic propulsion. Why? Because it is, one, infinite; two, because it is clean. They need to put a lot of money into researching electromagnetic propulsion. After that, the next logical would be with Nuclear Fusion. Nuclear Fusion is as well clean. Then I would say...err.... Hydrogen. Then solar. Then ethanol.
But in the world we live in, I would have to say realisticly Hydrogen should be the way to go. Since they already have hydrogen powered cars, it is already a step up. It is pretty much an infinite source, so it would be very cheap. Electromagnetic propulsion and Nuclear Fusion are still far, far away since the government would rather waste money on war.
If I have missed any other ways we can replace oil, please mention them.
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