The same thing China did when US invaded Iraq...
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[QUOTE="LJS9502_basic"]Nothing. Why is that our problem?superfluidity
You honestly can't see why it is from a geopolitical standpoint? Could you even locate Taiwan on a map?
Again why should I work to support/protect Taiwan? Answer....I shouldn't.[QUOTE="superfluidity"][QUOTE="LJS9502_basic"]Nothing. Why is that our problem?LJS9502_basic
You honestly can't see why it is from a geopolitical standpoint? Could you even locate Taiwan on a map?
Again why should I work to support/protect Taiwan? Answer....I shouldn't.Because they're a friendly democratic country with a large economy and simply allowing China to invade them would amount to appeasement of a rising authoritarian power?
Again why should I work to support/protect Taiwan? Answer....I shouldn't.[QUOTE="LJS9502_basic"][QUOTE="superfluidity"]
You honestly can't see why it is from a geopolitical standpoint? Could you even locate Taiwan on a map?
Because they're a friendly democratic country with a large economy and simply allowing China to invade them would amount to appeasement of a rising authoritarian power?
So what?It's popular to downplay America... we would rape the shat out of China. Plus we'd have all of NATO on our side. Get real b*tchez
Drink the blood of every Chinese civilian, men, women and children.
[spoiler] Just kidding of course. But America cannot and should not intervene and denounce or attack a country that has an equally strong military, that it borrows money from and receives a large amount of imported goods from. It's economically, politically and strategically a stupid idea to go in open war against another super-power (see Cold War.) [/spoiler]
[QUOTE="superfluidity"][QUOTE="LJS9502_basic"] Again why should I work to support/protect Taiwan? Answer....I shouldn't.LJS9502_basic
Because they're a friendly democratic country with a large economy and simply allowing China to invade them would amount to appeasement of a rising authoritarian power?
So what?So next thing we know they'll start challenging our use of regional shipping routes and challenging their neighbors who are U.S. allies on territorial claims, and challenging our strategic military interests as they see fit since we were such pushovers.
Do you even think about these issues for more than 10 seconds before you post on them?
So what?[QUOTE="LJS9502_basic"][QUOTE="superfluidity"]
Because they're a friendly democratic country with a large economy and simply allowing China to invade them would amount to appeasement of a rising authoritarian power?
So next thing we know they'll start challenging our use of regional shipping routes and challenging their neighbors who are U.S. allies on territorial claims, and challenging our strategic military interests as they see fit since we were such pushovers.
Do you even think about these issues for more than 10 seconds before you post on them?
You still haven't given a good answer as to why we should get involved. Shipping routes? Considering we import much of our products from China now....I can't see that happening dude. Do you even think about these issues for more than 5 seconds before you post on them?Don't know. I agree with Taiwan's sovereingty, but is it worth the death of likely hundres of thousands of people?
Drink the blood of every Chinese civilian, men, women and children.
[spoiler] Just kidding of course. But America cannot and should not intervene and denounce or attack a country that has an equally strong military, that it borrows money from and receives a large amount of imported goods from. It's economically, politically and strategically a stupid idea to go in open war against another super-power (see Cold War.) [/spoiler]
China's military is no were near as strong as the USA military. The Chinese airforce and navy are boths jokes compared to the US navy and airforce. As for ground forces the only advantage China has over the US is pure numbers, which means nothing due to China's lack of a proper navy and airforce. China simipliy lacks the mobility and logistical ability to effecively mobilize its ground forces against any US counter attack. You can have the largest army in the world but unless you are able to move it quickly and efficently it means nothing.
As for how the USA would react, the best possiable course of action that I can see would be to use the navy to protect Taiwan and prevent further Chinese landings and use the airforce to cripple Chinese food production and starve them out of the war.
It also depends when this happens, if it's 2 Years from now, and Obama s Pres. Fox and the GOP would have a massive hissy fit over it. If it's Romney MSNBC will be the same way and what not. Either way a big fat nothing is what will happen, as Israel wants to bomb Iran more than China, and the US will go after Iran way before they go after China, since one already has nukes. In any case I say let China and Taiwan solve it themselves.Watch...the US will do nothing and then get criticized for not helping poor Taiwan.
You still haven't given a good answer as to why we should get involved. Shipping routes? Considering we import much of our products from China now....I can't see that happening dude. Do you even think about these issues for more than 5 seconds before you post on them?LJS9502_basic
I was giving examples of what can happen if you appease a rising power. Have you heard of this concept? If China were brazen enough to use their military against Taiwan you actually think they would just stop there?
I don't see anything like this happening in the near future because the repercussions for China would be large, but if did it would be equivalent to Japan's invasion of China or Germany's invasion of Poland. This isn't some desert wasteland, it's a stable democracy with a vibrant high-tech economy. You apparently think shrugging your shoulders is an adequate response to such a thing. I'm saying you're not only wrong, you're incredibly naive.
The important thing to keep in mind is that the risks and political consequences for China would be huge, so if Taiwan ever does become unified with the mainland, it wouldn't likely result from such a scenario. I'm saying that on the off chance that China went nuts and attacked Taiwan, yes the world (including the U.S.) should do something about it.
[QUOTE="LJS9502_basic"] You still haven't given a good answer as to why we should get involved. Shipping routes? Considering we import much of our products from China now....I can't see that happening dude. Do you even think about these issues for more than 5 seconds before you post on them?superfluidity
I was giving examples of what can happen if you appease a rising power. Have you heard of this concept? If China were brazen enough to use their military against Taiwan you actually think they would just stop there?
I don't see anything like this happening in the near future because the repercussions for China would be large, but if did it would be equivalent to Japan's invasion of China or Germany's invasion of Poland. This isn't some desert wasteland, it's a stable democracy with a vibrant high-tech economy. You apparently think shrugging your shoulders is an adequate response to such a thing. I'm saying you're not only wrong, you're incredibly naive.
The important thing to keep in mind is that the risks and political consequences for China would be huge, so if Taiwan ever does become unified with the mainland, it wouldn't likely result from such a scenario. I'm saying that on the off chance that China went nuts and attacked Taiwan, yes the world (including the U.S.) should do something about it.
You don't really understand the concept of the word global do you? China is well aware that they depend on the world for their economic success.[QUOTE="superfluidity"][QUOTE="LJS9502_basic"] You still haven't given a good answer as to why we should get involved. Shipping routes? Considering we import much of our products from China now....I can't see that happening dude. Do you even think about these issues for more than 5 seconds before you post on them?LJS9502_basic
I was giving examples of what can happen if you appease a rising power. Have you heard of this concept? If China were brazen enough to use their military against Taiwan you actually think they would just stop there?
I don't see anything like this happening in the near future because the repercussions for China would be large, but if did it would be equivalent to Japan's invasion of China or Germany's invasion of Poland. This isn't some desert wasteland, it's a stable democracy with a vibrant high-tech economy. You apparently think shrugging your shoulders is an adequate response to such a thing. I'm saying you're not only wrong, you're incredibly naive.
The important thing to keep in mind is that the risks and political consequences for China would be huge, so if Taiwan ever does become unified with the mainland, it wouldn't likely result from such a scenario. I'm saying that on the off chance that China went nuts and attacked Taiwan, yes the world (including the U.S.) should do something about it.
You don't really understand the concept of the word global do you? China is well aware that they depend on the world for their economic success.Which is exactly why this is an entirely unlikely hypothetical scenario. I'm saying that the U.S. should act if the scenario ever occured.
You don't really understand the concept of the word global do you? China is well aware that they depend on the world for their economic success.[QUOTE="LJS9502_basic"][QUOTE="superfluidity"]
I was giving examples of what can happen if you appease a rising power. Have you heard of this concept? If China were brazen enough to use their military against Taiwan you actually think they would just stop there?
I don't see anything like this happening in the near future because the repercussions for China would be large, but if did it would be equivalent to Japan's invasion of China or Germany's invasion of Poland. This isn't some desert wasteland, it's a stable democracy with a vibrant high-tech economy. You apparently think shrugging your shoulders is an adequate response to such a thing. I'm saying you're not only wrong, you're incredibly naive.
The important thing to keep in mind is that the risks and political consequences for China would be huge, so if Taiwan ever does become unified with the mainland, it wouldn't likely result from such a scenario. I'm saying that on the off chance that China went nuts and attacked Taiwan, yes the world (including the U.S.) should do something about it.
Which is exactly why this is an entirely unlikely hypothetical scenario. I'm saying that the U.S. should act if the scenario ever occured.
Why? You have not given me one solid reason why we should spend money to protect Taiwan.[QUOTE="superfluidity"][QUOTE="LJS9502_basic"] You don't really understand the concept of the word global do you? China is well aware that they depend on the world for their economic success.LJS9502_basic
Which is exactly why this is an entirely unlikely hypothetical scenario. I'm saying that the U.S. should act if the scenario ever occured.
Why? You have not given me one solid reason why we should spend money to protect Taiwan.Taiwan is considered an ally in the region and that goes back to WW2 when China (under the Kuomintang Party) allied itself with the US and provided whatever she can (manpower, airfields, safe havens for downed aircrew) in the war against Japan. The Kuomintang is still the ruling party in Taiwan. A free Taiwan keeps the PROC focused close to home which is to the United States' advantage. Once Taiwan is under PROC rule, the latter can then look beyond to neighboring countries it have quarrels/disputes with such as the Philippines, Malaysia and Vietnam all of which staked a claim on the Spratley Islands along with the PROC. Taiwan is a US ally in the region and you don't just take an ally and hang them out to dry even if the US have to tread a fine line between Taiwan and China.
Uhh any option in that poll besides "do nothing" is pretty much awful.chessmaster1989Someone picked Invade Mainland China! :lol: Hopefully it was just for sh*ts and giggles.
Sending military forces to Taiwan wouldn't be the smartest idea. Both countries have nuclear capabilities you'd essentially be playing with fire on a global scale. If China were to ever make such a bold move (I doubt they will) they would be completely on their own. They would have next to zero global support for such a big military mission. China really doesn't have a reason to invade Taiwan. Chinese nationalists may not like the fact that Taiwan exists ,but starting a war would only set China back.
Sending military forces to Taiwan wouldn't be the smartest idea. Both countries have nuclear capabilities you'd essentially be playing with fire on a global scale. If China were to ever make such a bold move (I doubt they will) they would be completely on their own. They would have next to zero global support for such a big military mission. China really doesn't have a reason to invade Taiwan. Chinese nationalists may not like the fact that Taiwan exists ,but starting a war would only set China back.
Also, invading Taiwan is the surest way for China to divide the Mainland Chinese and the Taiwanese people, which is counterproductive to China's goal of unity.
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