Well I've hung with the same girl for the past few days because we really liked each other and we were holding hands, making out, and cuddling, and I thought everything was going great but then yesterday I get some text messages saying this:
"Hey Ryan, I like you, but I still have feelings for (her ex). I saw him last night and we had a talk. We are always going to go back to each other. It sucks because I can't start liking someone new, I just start missing him more. Then he always texts me and calls me and things are back to normal. I'm sorry."
And I'm just like "...wow...awesome", I didn't expect this in the slightest.
But then I talk to her on AIM later that night and she's telling me all this pathetic garbage about how she can't get over him and I told her that I would still be her friend because I really liked her, but now I'm stuck in the friend zone. She said she still likes me, but I'm pretty much sitting around waiting for this other guy to screw up again, or waiting for her to get smart. Either way, it sucks.
What do I do once I'm in the friend zone?
I've gotta get out, and I don't want to end it completely.
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