I would have made this into a blog post, but I want to get a broader more diverse answer to this question. So, this is a simple question, what was it like when you were one of those users who made half-@$$ed to full-@$$ed reviews stating that a game sucked and gave it a 1.0? :question: How was it to make a blog that was really just...um...bad, I guess? :? How did it feel to %$@#& at GameSpot for thier reviews and general topics along with asking questions even when they already have answered it multiple times? :|
For me...here was MY nooby life before I actaully put on the adult boxer shorts! :D
Why did I just say THAT? :?
In my time of joining GameSpot I had not many games to play and review, so I focused myself on demos and such. They made me want to get the games but my wallet was low in cash and so I decided on writing reviews based off the demo. :o This explains my Halo stuff because at the time I played the Halo Combat Evolved demo. I thought it was the best "game" ever so I made my banner and avatar to reflect my love of the demo. :oops: PS: Don't worry, I'm changing the avatar and banner pretty soon. Just gotta wait for my slaves to be done. :twisted: So I wrote pathetic reviews and based them on the demos only and some games I just outwardly wrote reviews even without playing them! :shock: I do admit to them, but I deleted them when my brain finally switched on and so now they are gone, lost in the uncharted blackwaters of the internet. :P I wrote a review for Brutal Legend and Halo ODST. I'm ashamed of my work, but again it was when I was a young GameSpotter and did not know how to write good reviews or even write anything!
It didn't stop there however, I purposfully wrote fourm posts on games and over dramatized my epierence. For instance, in a fourm post on scary games (I won't even link it because I forgot where it is) I stated that BioShock was a scary game, all I could base this on was the demo and the demo itself wasn't scary, atmospheric is a much better term for it. :) I even said I screamed and ran away from my computer. :? Now I know not to over dramaitze things like that and only use it if it is true, ie. I play Amnesia the Dark Descent, I played the demo, thank god it was morning. :| I also made some really bad comments on things like disagreeing with a score and saying that an amazing game sucked and I do believe I one time posted a 1st Comment comment. :? Yes, I know...I suck...badly. :|
Futhermore from my pathetic reviews of games I had, games I had only played the demo, and games that I never played before, and my over dramatizing and completly pointless comments I also made bogus blogs. :( (Huh? See what I did there? Bogus Blogs? See that's cool cause they both have a b and an o in the beginning...aren't I so smrt?) :roll: They were attempts of leveling up here on GameSpot to my imaginary level cap of 100. It was a foolish and pathetic idea and with that my time on GameSpot halted until I decided to come back for round 2. Luckily, I'm still in Round 2 and have been doing much better than Round 1. :)
So, that's my life here on GameSpot as a noobie in a much more shorter and more condensed read. Was my beginning the same as yours or did you do so well in Round 1 that you're still in that round and are still going strong? Let me know fourm posters! :D
FYI: I put these | in between paragraphs because spacing is a bit weird...well...for me it is. :?
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