I threw a snowball at someone in the school yard, the motion of my throw made me slip and bust my knee into the corner of a cracked pavement plate as i fell. I thought it waesent nothing, until i was standing outside a classroom with friends, and one of my friends asked me why my jeans had a wide darkish red stripe going from my knee area down to my shoe.
One time when I was playing Guitar Hero all night trying to beat Cowboys From Hell on expert, I felt a sharp pain go through my wrist. I figured it was time to turn off the game for the night. :P
lol i had the same with GH3 and raining blood, and my whole hand was cramped out for like 3 days cause i feel asleep with the guitar in my hand lol.Looking back it was silly and its a recurring joke in my life but i like pulling the well least i can play the song on real guitar xD.
Falling down some stairs and fracturing my left ankle, getting a cast on it, then falling down the same stairs a couple of weeks later and fracturing my right ankle. Getting down stairs with one cast was a pain (quite literally as you can tell from the second injury I sustained), but getting down with two casts was completely impossible.
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