Crack some skulls.
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I've never been bullied, but I would chop up their parents and challenge the bully to a chilli cook off. I would then reveal that he was eating his ground up parents, and would then proceed to to lick his tears as they cried. APiranhaAteMyVaSouth Park ftw
There is not much you can do about it if the aggressor is stronger, has much more muscles than you or has a 7 ddegree black belt in karate. In high school I got picked on a lot but there was not much I could do about it since these guys were clearly more powerful than me, both socially and physically. The only thing I could do is to tell a teacher, an administrator or my parents. The best thing to do is to bring someone who is stronger than the aggressor and there is always someone more powerful around who can help you.
It depends. I'm going to assume the person is bigger than me. If that were the case, I would try to walk away before things got too intense. I'd rather not fight at all since it ussualy just brings up more problems then it solves. If they pushed me far enough though, I would make them think I didn't want to fight then haymaker them in the f***ing face as hard as I could. This would at the very least knock them off balance, then I would proceed to kick out their legs or tackle them to the ground then pound them in the face until they can no longer fight back. Basically do as much damage as possible in the shortest amount of time since I wouldn't last long in a drawn out slug-fest. Hopefully with a broken nose and possibly a fractured orbital and broken jaw, the bully wouldn't want to come after me again for a long while. This strategy has worked for me before.
I've generally been known as a tough guy,so no one messes with me or my friends.But if someone was foolish enough to even think of bullying us,I would tear them to pieces,hitting hard and fast surprising them with my shear strength and ferocity,then continue beating them until they take it back,or pass out.
If they're using words about me I would just walk away, but if they were doing that to my friends I would tell them to back off.
If they were threatening me in any way I would give them one chance to back off and try towalk away but defend myself if I had too.
If they just ran up and started beating meunprovoked I would fight back using anything around me to fend them off.
I've generally been known as a tough guy,so no one messes with me or my friends.But if someone was foolish enough to even think of bullying us,I would tear them to pieces,hitting hard and fast surprising them with my shear strength and ferocity,then continue beating them until they take it back,or pass out.
Hulk Smash!!!
I've generally been known as a tough guy,so no one messes with me or my friends.But if someone was foolish enough to even think of bullying us,I would tear them to pieces,hitting hard and fast surprising them with my shear strength and ferocity,then continue beating them until they take it back,or pass out.
Hulk Smash!!!
Yah something kind of like Hulk.
Well in all honesty i'd go to all feats aside form running away to keep out of a fight with a bully but if i was hit i can deliver pain in alot of different ways due to my huge amount of fight experience, tho idk who would bully me as i'm 216 and standing at 6'1''.
But in highschool i got bullied alot in yr 8 and 9 as i was taller than most but a real skinny fella, but i'd always atnd up for myself if it got physical otherwise i'd just walk away.
Wasnt until yr 10 that i actually put some weight on and began Muay Thai training, after that i stood up for myself alot more due to a new gained confidence and got into 3 fights that year and won all of em, no1 messed with me for the rest of the year.
Hypothetically, if it's somebody I could take on (Casey Heynes style), it's ground and pound to a bloody pulp.
If it's somebody much bigger, hope I can take a hit and remain intact, then sue the ever loving **** outta the guy.
If someone bullies me FACT I'm not going to stand there like an idiot or walk away. I'm going to fight them, the thing is I don't even like fighting but bullying pisses me off big time whether it be to me or someone else. I don't care how big or how many numbers there are I'm not having it.
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