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*looks at hands* Damn... When did I sprout a penis then?dump them. Anyway I could tell. A man's index finger is shorter than his ring finger and its the opposite for women, and its something they dont change in surgery.
I've never heard of a woman getting a sex change and then being a gay man. And even if I were to end up in a relationship with a woman (I won't rule that out though it's unlikely at the moment) who had a sex change to become a woman, I honesty can't see myself caring. If I'm in love with them, what does it matter to me?
*looks at hands* Damn... When did I sprout a penis then?It's true I saw it on MANswers[QUOTE="Agent-Zero"]
dump them. Anyway I could tell. A man's index finger is shorter than his ring finger and its the opposite for women, and its something they dont change in surgery.
[QUOTE="secondshooter"]*looks at hands* Damn... When did I sprout a penis then?It's true I saw it on MANswers Not denying that you saw it, it's just... Well, apparently I should be a woman. Well, half woman. My left hand abides to the rule, but my right hand, the little rebel...[QUOTE="Agent-Zero"]
dump them. Anyway I could tell. A man's index finger is shorter than his ring finger and its the opposite for women, and its something they dont change in surgery.
I'd be rather turned on, to be honest. I'm into that kind of stuff. I'm attracted to women as well as trans-women, so it wouldn't be a problem for me. This is something I am still coming to grips with, though; I am 19 but I am still learning new things about myself. I have a crush on a man for the first time in my life. (most trans-women are technically men)
im with this guy.
some trans woman are hot.
not gonna lie.
i'd date one.
but then again, im bisexual, so its best of both worlds for me.
I remember reading someone shot their partner when he found out. I'd do the opposite and shoot myself.
Yeah, that's pretty hard to miss.:PBe incredibly sceptical... because I could swear she was a woman.
whats with the transexula topics lately? :lol: anyway i would run, keep running until my legs fall off, while drinking acid and curing my head of bad who would stay with them still if they kept a secret as big as this from them all this time, and you trusted them?monkeyd_93Super off topic, but what's the name of the green blob guy on your sig?
yeah that would really suck... I love my girlfriend... but finding out she was a transexual would be a bit too much for me... >.
To be honest, I don't know what I'd do. I know my initial reaction would be 'hell naww', but if I was really in love with her/him...I dunno. I think the fact that I want kids would sway me to end the relationship.Brutal_Elitegs
This guy has the right idea. Me having to want my own kids would sway me to end it. But damnit she better well be very beautiful or I'd just might do what this guy did. (Nah not really...maybe a little less brutal.) And by beautiful I mean where most guys would say so, not just me.
But that's just me.
I'd be pretty pissed that they waited so long before telling me.Provided they told you before you found out. And let's say your relationship was incredibly strong before this event... What would you do? If that happened to me... I guess I would be shocked and offended as my first reaction... but then I'd probably want to know everything about it and see if the relationship could be salvaged. To be honest, I really do'nt know what I would do... :?
End the relationship, call it an "it", kick her out, and be disgusted with myself, then never tell anyone what happened.
I'm with this guy. >.>I'd be rather turned on, to be honest. I'm into that kind of stuff. I'm attracted to women as well as trans-women, so it wouldn't be a problem for me. This is something I am still coming to grips with, though; I am 19 but I am still learning new things about myself. I have a crush on a man for the first time in my life. (most trans-women are technically men)
I think I'd be more upset that they turned out to be a liar than a trannie... though I wouldn't really be thrilled about either, lol!
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