Have you been hit by a car, serious illness, ect.
For me it was when my uncle was driving on a bridge and we hit ice....we swerved lane to lane as much as you could without getting in a wreck.
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I was leaving school, just starting my walk home. I had my head down andI was listening to my cd player.
Right as I was about to step off the sidewalk and start crossing the school driveway, something went off in my head went off, and I stepped back just in time for a car to stop right in front of me. I came a second away from getting hit.....
In the O.R. on the surgery table. The surgeon accidentally sliced my subclavian artery open while cutting through tissue that obscured it. I was told I lost 75% of my total blood volume before they got it under control and were able to seal off my artery and give me donor blood.
I woke up in intensive care too weakto lift my arm off the bed and remained in the hospital for a week.
Not fun.
1) I fell off a horse and landed Right beside a sapling that had just been cut.. it was realy sharp too and sticking verticaly out of the ground. it ripped my shirt and just barely grazed my chest one more centimiter and it would have gone right through my chest
2) Got mistaken for an intruder one night at home I went out to my bak yard there was a black out. and one of the Guards from next door thought i was A thief and fiered his shotgun in my direction. (i dont think he was aiming at me directly though)
3) Near miss by a truck, while skateboarding, I jumped off and I saw may skateboard roll out from under the truck...I couldnt move for a few minutes just sat on the curb and almost pissed my pants
almost fell off a 100+ ft cliff, managed to stop myself :D
In the O.R. on the surgery table. The surgeon accidentally sliced my subclavian artery open while cutting through tissue that obscured it. I was told I lost 75% of my total blood volume before they got it under control and were able to seal off my artery and give me donor blood.
I woke up in intensive care too weakto lift my arm off the bed and remained in the hospital for a week.
Not fun.
Wow...these are interesting
[QUOTE="Sandro909"][QUOTE="aaaaarrrrggggg"]I've never been anywhere near death.Rekunta
Then you have not LIVED! ...As ironic as that sounds... >_>
Agreed. Weird as it sounds, there's much truth to that statement.
So i'm dead right now!? My entire life has been a lie!:cry:
[QUOTE="Rekunta"]In the O.R. on the surgery table. The surgeon accidentally sliced my subclavian artery open while cutting through tissue that obscured it. I was told I lost 75% of my total blood volume before they got it under control and were able to seal off my artery and give me donor blood.
I woke up in intensive care too weakto lift my arm off the bed and remained in the hospital for a week.
Not fun.
Wow...these are interesting
:shock: wow, thats crazy[QUOTE="Rekunta"][QUOTE="Sandro909"][QUOTE="aaaaarrrrggggg"]I've never been anywhere near death.aaaaarrrrggggg
Then you have not LIVED! ...As ironic as that sounds... >_>
Agreed. Weird as it sounds, there's much truth to that statement.
So i'm dead right now!? My entire life has been a lie!:cry:
Not at all dead, just maybe not fully aware of how alive? I don't presume to know this about anybody, but for myself and others I've talked to it's a very real realization and quite a feeling after overcoming something that very well may have led to your end.....it is an extreme sense of exhilaration over a sustained period. When you see how close you have come to dying, just the knowledge and gratefulness of being alive intensifies dramatically.
This is why some people go to extremes, whether it be trying to survive in the wilderness on their own, take extreme risks, and so on.
I remember being on holiday, at age two or three, and being tipped off a lilo by my sister in a swimming pool, didn't have my armbands on, and obviously couldn't swim without them. Oddly I just remember being underwater looking up at the light penetrating the surface (seriously just the sun, none of this 'I can see the light' rubbish from films), I don't remember breathing, or moving much, just falling. I don't even remember being pulled back out and rescued. StrangetrmatherIf this was an M. Night Shamalan(sp?) film you probably didn't get pulled out and rescued...
Food poisoningStarFox-Elite
I hate to be morbid but describe it. What kind did you have from what food?
I heard it can be really awful. I hope I never get it.
Closest I've come is hitting a patch of ice going about 50, my car spun 3 times going down a hill and slammed backwards into a deep snow bank. I didn't even get a scratch though but every single item that was on my rear dashboard flung forward onto my front dashboard. Made me laugh after I realized I was ok but I was scared crapless.
I've been bitten by a black widow I was so ill I couldn't walk without collapsing couldn't hold down any food and my sense of touch was so messed up I couldn't touch anything without a horrible pain shooting down my spine to sum it up it was the worst five days ever.
yag ar svenska!
Almost drowned. Almost rolled in a Bradley Fighting Vehicle, and once we though the helo we were riding in was going to crash, but we think that may have been the crew playing a joke on us. NOT FUNNY THOUGH.
Edit: And was shot at a few times while hunting pheasents.
i was jumping fences to get a ball on the other side of a fence[thoose wood fences with tons of lined up planks] but i wasnt on the side where you could just step on the vertical planks, this was the flat, smooth side. so two of my friends gave me a boost, and i FLEW over
, and when i landed MY HEAD ALMOST SLAMMED AGAINST THE CEMENT! i was frozen in shock for a few THANK YOU GOD! seconds! god, you learn a lot after that
Two acutally, the first I choked on bacon byt coughed it out before losing control, and the second I was walking to my school bus stop when some retard with a foggy windshield stops a few feet from me. He got out of his car and was like " ARe you OK?"
I was like "Yeah, I guess...":roll:
3 car accidents (didn't get injured though), 3 people who put a threat on my life with one actually trying to kill me with a knife, but I ran away before he could get me (hey that rhymes) ^^, and 2 trips to the hospital for hitting my head on some objects, lost a lot of blood. That's the closest to death for me. majadamus
so peaceful, i can hear the ocean waves with that story :)
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