This dosen't apply if you haven't ever had one, of course. Right now it's been almost six months since I quit my last one and I'm pretty much out of money and feeling pretty silly especially since I'm in college. Looking for jobs sucks...
I'm sorry you're going through some tough times right now. But just be persistent and pro-active. Go to them and do not wait for them to come to you. Good luck!
I went 18 years without a job since I didn't get my 1st job until I was 18. After that though i never went more than a month before I found a new job. I've currently had my job for almost six years.
In the past I've only worked the summers but now I also work during the school semesters. The longest times I haven't work before 10th grade is the time school or college is in session.
I got my first job when I was 15, worked there for a year and a couple months, quit in september to get a couple months of in grade 11, then I applied at HMV, and I've been working there for 2 and a half years
Worked straight through from the time I was 15 (I'm 24 now), through high school and university. I'm in law school now and not working for the first time because of the workload at school...but still do things like volunteer shifts at the legal clinic, and small contracts when I can.
from when I was 1 day old to when I was 16 years old....and man how I miss those days...I just took a 4 day weekend and today is dragging me around like a ****** being pulled behind a car.
Got out of college in may had my real job until october, quit, then got a job in november so it was a month and some change jobless, it was horrible. I don't count before college because my parents paid for everything that weren't luxuries(housing, food, etc.). It only counts when you are surviving by your income alone.
I went to a whole year of college without a job of any sort. Mostly because I made bank with a summer night janitor job and I would afford to just be lazy for the entire school year. Wouldn't recommend going that long without an income though cause once the school year was over I was dead broke and now living in debt the following year.
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