yes.many people from different countries hate us so much.
US always consider itself as world police and intrude other countries.
i hate the country sooooooooo much!
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As an American I naturally love my country and get mildly upset at some of the things that are said in this forum. Some are made just to get a rise in others, some are said in ignorance, and some is said as genuine feelings. I believe that it is time for the United States to become an isolationist society. No more policing countries that cannot handle their problems, no more aid or money given to others. Pull everything back and watch the power vacuum that occurs. Because if you think that our "Capitalist pig society" screwed up these countries wait until you see what becomes of it when some one else gets their hands on it. We are far from perfect, but even further from the worst casescenarios that will result in pulling back.
No more tech sharing, no more medical training or bringing foreign students in to learn from us.Our advances should be used soley to benefit our people and they should be more closey guarded than the KFC, Coca-Cola, and Dr. Pepper recipes combined! Other countries should be left on their own to deal with their own problems and make their own advances, of course if they are incapable of that then they could purchase these goods from us at market more breaks and charity.Goods can be traded as usual, however any good not made by an American company, on American soil by American people will be tariffed to high heaven. Our nation could be a true independent, we have everything we need right hereon our soil in our own territories. We could return to the forefront of science and technology both military and civilian based. With a true "with us or against us" corporations that have held back or stifled tech advances would no longer be a problem, the dependance on foreign products such as oil would ween itself down in no time. Our most beloved Allies would be bitter naturally, but it is what it is, we come first everyone else second. You need something then ask for it, but it will no longer just be given to you without some sort of benefit to us.
Of course to do so we would first need to change our selves. I think that a large portion of our people have become spoiled and entitled, lazy, selfish, and ignorant. We need to change our attitudes. No more things such as reality showsthat celebrate the "me first" attitude, no more of the notion that "blue collar" means lower class or lesser class. The blue collar workforce helped shaped this nation and could return it to its glory days, but there are jsut too many people chasing dreams of fame, fortune, and money for nothing. There would also be no more notion of ----American. No more Irish American or Persian American, Mexican American, whatever American...we are all just Americans, and while it is ok to honor the cultures of your ancestors you are here now, and your priorities should lie with the US now. If not, no big deal, take what you have learned and go back to the homeland to hopefully make that counrty a better hard feelings there are others that would like to come and live here.
I could go on and on, but it is starting to sound like a "how the US is the greatest, most advanced society in the world and others will crumble without us" rant. It is definitly not, there are plenty of countries that would have no problem without us. But it is time for the US to give the rest of the world what it without us, and I would imagine, for the most part, it will not be an improvement
This guy is right. It's popular here on OT to jab at the US. Whatever.It's the popular thing to do now I guess. I find it all rather annoying and generally just try to ignore the America haters.
Hey I would gladly criticize my country and government but I don't think anyone here cares :(kuraimenHow dare you try to criticize Costa Rica! Actually, I've only heard relatively good things about costa rica. Good standard and cost of living. Good health care. Especially when you compare it to the rest of central america, I think costa rica is doing fairly well. But then, I dont know a lot of the more local issues so I could be completely wrong on this.
[QUOTE="kuraimen"]Hey I would gladly criticize my country and government but I don't think anyone here cares :(sonicareHow dare you try to criticize Costa Rica! Actually, I've only heard relatively good things about costa rica. Good standard and cost of living. Good health care. Especially when you compare it to the rest of central america, I think costa rica is doing fairly well. But then, I dont know a lot of the more local issues so I could be completely wrong on this.
Nah you're just almost completely wrong ;)
Anyways the national tourist institution here loves to sell an image of this country that doesn't exist. It's true we are in a better situation than other central american countries in comparison but I fear for the future. There's a phrase we use here to refer to ourselves as "los engañados" which basically means something like "the deceived". As a nation we deceive ourselves into thinking we are something we are not and that prevents us to see a lot of the problems we have and more importantly the solutions.
How dare you try to criticize Costa Rica! Actually, I've only heard relatively good things about costa rica. Good standard and cost of living. Good health care. Especially when you compare it to the rest of central america, I think costa rica is doing fairly well. But then, I dont know a lot of the more local issues so I could be completely wrong on this.[QUOTE="sonicare"][QUOTE="kuraimen"]Hey I would gladly criticize my country and government but I don't think anyone here cares :(kuraimen
Nah you're just almost completely wrong ;)
Anyways the national tourist institution here loves to sell an image of this country that doesn't exist. It's true we are in a better situation than other central american countries in comparison but I fear for the future. There's a phrase we use here to refer to ourselves as "los engañados" which basically means something like "the deceived". As a nation we deceive ourselves into thinking we are something we are not and that prevents us to see a lot of the problems we have and more importantly the solutions.
The deceived? That's a synonym for "american voter". LOL. Looks like we have that in common.[QUOTE="kuraimen"][QUOTE="sonicare"] How dare you try to criticize Costa Rica! Actually, I've only heard relatively good things about costa rica. Good standard and cost of living. Good health care. Especially when you compare it to the rest of central america, I think costa rica is doing fairly well. But then, I dont know a lot of the more local issues so I could be completely wrong on this.sonicare
Nah you're just almost completely wrong ;)
Anyways the national tourist institution here loves to sell an image of this country that doesn't exist. It's true we are in a better situation than other central american countries in comparison but I fear for the future. There's a phrase we use here to refer to ourselves as "los engañados" which basically means something like "the deceived". As a nation we deceive ourselves into thinking we are something we are not and that prevents us to see a lot of the problems we have and more importantly the solutions.
The deceived? That's a synonym for "american voter". LOL. Looks like we have that in common. I actually think costaricans and americans have lots in common, that's why americans have such a good time when they come here ;)Everyone seems to hate the US lately. Blah the economy sucks and US are the world police. blah blah blah. And this is mostly coming from Americans! I'm European but come one have some pride. There are far worse countries.. like Buthan or something.
Bhutan? One of the happiest countries on the face of the planet, with one of the fastest growing economies is far worse than the US? AH!
Wrong we love USA However i think that USA is weakened by the Congress The Debt debate was bad to US image on the worldEveryone seems to hate the US lately. Blah the economy sucks and US are the world police. blah blah blah. And this is mostly coming from Americans! I'm European but come one have some pride. There are far worse countries.. like Buthan or something.
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