Sexual content. It's plain disturbing for the younger kids.
Violence, however, is pretty much everywhere. And the kids probably enjoy it.
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Sex and Violeeeence...Sex and Violeeeence...Sex and Violence...Sex. And. Violence. Haha...good Exploited song. Goto THIS SITEand play the first song at the top. Such deep lyrics.:P
They're both perfectly fine handled in good taste. They're both terrible handled in bad taste.
Anyway, what you SHOULD be worried about is violent sex, and sexy violence.
Violent content. Sex is natural and beautiful (in most, non-pornographic cases)... while violence is grotesque and scarring. Seeing people having the times of their lives is better than witnessing brutal suffering.
The taboo in the US about nudity and sexuality is despicable. You can show full decapitations during prime-time hours but as soon as there is one female nipple, it gets cut out. And coarse language too. Again, you can show the most brutal of violence but can't say **** or ****. Two of the most versatile words in the English language.
Sex is easier to explain to a child. "When two people love each other very much... and so on." Trying to explain to a 6 year-old why a person is being brutally beaten and having parts of their body removed while they are still alive and screaming in pain is much more difficult.
All children should be exposed to both, gradually over a period of time... since they are going to be anyways. It should just be done by their parents and in a way that allows them to properly explain it within context.
Sexual content. Sex is natural and beautiful (in most, non-pornographic cases)... while violence is grotesque and scarring. Seeing people having the times of their lives is better than witnessing brutal suffering.
The taboo in the US about nudity and sexuality is despicable. You can show full decapitations during prime-time hours but as soon as there is one female nipple, it gets cut out. And coarse language too. Again, you can show the most brutal of violence but can't say **** or ****. Two of the most versatile words in the English language.
Sex is easier to explain to a child. "When two people love each other very much... and so on." Trying to explain to a 6 year-old why a person is being brutally beaten and having parts of their body removed while they are still alive and screaming in pain is much more difficult.
All children should be exposed to both, gradually over a period of time... since they are going to be anyways. It should just be done by their parents and in a way that allows them to properly explain it within context.foxhound_fox
I think you got it wrong, the thread is asking "what is WORSE for children to see", not "what would you rather have children see". :P
Anyway, I absolutely agree, and unfortunately that taboo isn't exclusive to the US... :(
violence, that can really scar or twist them up, they're eventually gonna end up learning about sex anyway, whether by parents and the talk, friends, or a misstep on the internet.
exactly,I was just gonna say that Just imagine if you left them at home and they managed to stumble across a Rambo marathon on TV...[QUOTE="name294"]Gotta say violence. Sex is something that they learn anyways in life, but exposing children to violence at a early age is probably worse than sex, but then again, it depends on the degreexFL4WL3SSx
I have never run into a parent who is more worried about their children seeing violence in a movie, video game, book, or anything else, as opposed to them seeing sexual content. I was able to watch any violent movie I wanted to at a very young age, but my mother freaks out even now when a sex scene comes on. She quickly changes the channel. Every parent seems to be more worried about the sexual content in a film and such, but it is a natural process of life. Just because they see it, doesn't necesarrily mean they'll go out and do it, just like the violence.
I guess I have to say that violence is worse for a child to see, but we've become so used to it that it doesn't even seem to be that bad anymore, as long as we aren't the ones displaying it.
What say you?
Maybe she didn't want you to know how you were conceived? But I also find that funny though, I saw a parent bring a baby to see 300. And I'm not even joking......seriously......
This is a conflicting question TC.
In reallife, violence is much worse than sexy things.
But on screen, something changes.
On screen, violence is not real and as long as the child is old enough to create that safety barrier between sitting on the couch and what is happening on tv (like when he turns 16 or so) it is not that scary or damaging.
But sexy things don't change that much on screen. Either way they are revealing things that are meant to be mysterious and secret.
So i would say.
If the child is young, violence is much worse.
At older ages, sexy things might slowly get the upperhand in some families.
Imo, serious depicted violence remains worse than sexy things.
Sexy things is more of a shame, and something You can still laugh about when it happens.
Sexual content since your going to have to explain it to them which I'm sure would be awkward to most people in my opinion. You'll eventually know violence since you see it everywhere and can't escape from it. filiwian
You're going to have to explain it eventually anyways, at least if you have any hint of responsibility towards your child. If you're basing the argument of what is acceptable to show a child based on the parent's level of comfort in discussing such matters then, I have to say, you're not making a very convincing argument.
This is a conflicting question TC.
In reallife, violence is much worse than sexy things.
But on screen, something changes.
On screen, violence is not real and as long as the child is old enough to create that safety barrier between sitting on the couch and what is happening on tv (like when he turns 16 or so) it is not that scary or damaging.
But sexy things don't change that much on screen. Either way they are revealing things that are meant to be mysterious and secret.
So i would say.
If the child is young, violence is much worse.
At older ages, sexy things might slowly get the upperhand in some families.
Imo, serious depicted violence remains worse than sexy things.
Sexy things is more of a shame, and something You can still laugh about when it happens.KungfuKitten
All evidence on the subject shows that children don't naturally make the connection between real and simulated violence, they have to develop an understanding of that. Even if they do understand the difference there is an issue of desensitization which can have a wide range of effects, and it's most harmful at young ages. Also, as for violence being real and simulated the inclination these days is to try and simulate real violence as accurately as possible. It's no longer like when I was growing up and cutting edge special effects were people's heads ballooning and exploding cartoonishly due to being exposed to the vacuum of space.
As for sex, why is it supposed to be mysterious and secret? Don't you think that treating it as such and simply trying to get your kids to ignore it as they grow older could create an unhealthy view on sexuality for them?
Just because they see it, doesn't necesarrily mean they'll go out and do it, just like the violence.DeathScape666I think not. While it would be ridiculous to assume a child would go lop peoples heads off, "experimenting" with sex is far more likely.
1. Vollence? :P 2. There is a debate because it's debatable! 3. I for one believe that sex is worse because it is much more real to children than fighting against orcs and such. The situations that occur in violent movies are probably never going to be ones that occur in real life, were as sex WILL come up sooner or later.How is there even a debate about this? Voilence is much worse.
This is a conflicting question TC.
In reallife, violence is much worse than sexy things.
But on screen, something changes.
On screen, violence is not real and as long as the child is old enough to create that safety barrier between sitting on the couch and what is happening on tv (like when he turns 16 or so) it is not that scary or damaging.
But sexy things don't change that much on screen. Either way they are revealing things that are meant to be mysterious and secret.
So i would say.
If the child is young, violence is much worse.
At older ages, sexy things might slowly get the upperhand in some families.
Imo, serious depicted violence remains worse than sexy things.
Sexy things is more of a shame, and something You can still laugh about when it happens.theone86
All evidence on the subject shows that children don't naturally make the connection between real and simulated violence, they have to develop an understanding of that. Even if they do understand the difference there is an issue of desensitization which can have a wide range of effects, and it's most harmful at young ages. Also, as for violence being real and simulated the inclination these days is to try and simulate real violence as accurately as possible. It's no longer like when I was growing up and cutting edge special effects were people's heads ballooning and exploding cartoonishly due to being exposed to the vacuum of space.
As for sex, why is it supposed to be mysterious and secret? Don't you think that treating it as such and simply trying to get your kids to ignore it as they grow older could create an unhealthy view on sexuality for them?
kinda aplies to games almost 13 and mah dad will by me any game as long as it doesnt have like nudity
I dont think either would do any sort of damage for a kid, they are both things that just happen in real life. Though probably if you got an eight year old into porno or something, he might not be quite right. I actually met a person who became addicted to sex at an early age, and said it probably would have never happened if his father didnt give him a playboy for his eigth birthday.
Butsexual content is more innapropriate. Imagine a 6 year old watching something like that and asking whats that?
Butsexual :lol: sorry that wasn't called for. But anyways, I think violence is worse, becuase like others have stated, sex is learned with age, but violence is never something that NEEDS to be known about
Really? When they're at the same level, I'd always prefer children to see sexual content. Remember, the sexual content equivilant of Spiderman is not intercourse, it's probably making out. Intercourse is probably equivilant to Saw 5 style violence.[QUOTE="Danm_999"]In [QUOTE="cu_be_cie"]
Even if it was intercourse, why can't you just explain it to them? You don't even have to go into details:
Child: "What are they doing?"
Parent: "Well, you see, when two people really, REALLY love each other, like your mommy and daddy, they may choose to have a baby, and that's how they make one."
Child: "So, they are making a baby?"
Parent: "Yes, because they love each other, like your mommy and daddy."
There, problem solved, I still don't get why it's such a big deal...
"Daddy, why are two men having sex with that woman at the same time, while a third dunks her head in the toilet and then soils her face?"
Thing about watching sex is that it often translates into "watching porn". And a very good amount of pornography is not beautiful in any way. A lot of porn has nothing to do with love or simple physical pleasure, but centers on a hatred of women. And yeah...I'd rather my kid watch Saw 5 than to get the impression that this is how they should treat a woman. Of course, I wouldn't want them to watch a Saw movie either...but at least with Saw no one is ACTUALLY getting killed. Whereas with porn woman actually IS often getting defiled.
Violence is far worse.. We live in a pretty hypocritical culture.. Where something like GTA hot coffee made it adult.. While Mature games can consist of you putting a guys head in a steel press, and burst his head like a watermellon.. The worse hypocrisy I have seen was on the Sci Fi channel with the Dead Space cartoon.. They bleeped out swearing.. But they had no problem splitting a guy in half between the eyes, having his internal organs spilling out on the floor.sSubZerOo
While its true that it is hypocritycal in a way, watching a movie like saw does very little to the way a person think, except for maybe the next time they see the movie saw, it wont be so disguisting. Though when a kid watches porn it can change the way he thinks about women, or change his morales, usually not for the better.
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