@poarstman said:
Perhaps i should have phrased it as how energetic a person feels throughout the day
Ahhhh right on.
Well, I'll give the frustrating non-answer of "it depends".
Usually on how much sleep I get, yes, but surprisingly what time I go to bed as well. 6 hours of sleep from 10PM-4AM is better for me than 8 hours of sleep from 1AM-9AM.
I've more or less weened myself off of coffee and just stick to sipping tea all day; this is mostly for hydration, but if I drink 1-2 L of medium-strength tea I sort of think of it as microdosing myself without caffeine throughout the day so I have some energy but not so much to make me jittery.
Also if I don't eat before bed I sleep much better, much better quality.
So, to answer your question: if I go to sleep on an empty stomach before 10PM and get 6+ hours of sleep, I tend to be quite energetic.
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