I'll keep it metal as per your request
Cannibal by Static-X
The Poison by Bullet for my Valentine (because emo metal >>> epic metal:))
and Subliminal Verses by Slipknot because it just won't let go.
and TC, if you're a Killswitch fan then you are obligated to find and sleep with this band. So many similarities it's amazing and they're from my hometown!
Epic metal >>>> emo metal. I saw Bullet for my Valentine live (they opened for Iron Maiden for some god forsaken reason) and they were the worst band I've ever seen life. I hadn't even heard of them until seeing them live, and I wish I still hadn't heard of them. The lyrics were completely incoherent, and not in a cool death metal kind of way. I think the majority of the crowd agrees with me too. They were booed like crazy. I mean seriously, why would a band like that open for Iron Maiden?
But, your inclusion of Cannibal makes up for the BfmV. I also saw Static-X life at Ozzfest, and they rock. :)
My top 3 favorite albums right now are:
Advance and Vanguish - Three Inches of Blood
Inhuman Rampage - Dragonforce
The End of All Things to Come - Mudvayne
Yes I know nu-metal sucks, but Mudvayne is the cream of the nu-metal crop. They actually write good lyrics, and their music is a lot harder than the average nu-metal.
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