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Why does no one like them?LouieV13Because they wallow in their misery. When a productive approach would be try and fix what's wrong with their lives or find something that makes them happy, they'd rather get attention for being miserable and depressed. Guess what? Everyone has problems. Sure, some people have it worse than others, but everyone in life is just doing the best they can with the cards that they're dealt. But emos would rather whine and write mostly bad stories that they think are good because the writing is "deep, dark, emotional and disturbing" than actually take the time and effort to improve their situation or solve their problems. They're like that boy Cameron in Fuerris Bueller's day off. They're actually happier when they're lives are going badly, because at least then someone is paying attention to them, than they are when their lives are going well and they aren't getting any attention.
I have no problem with them. I hate people who insult them just because of how they dress though. Just because they wear a black shirt, tight pants, and converse/vans does not mean they are depressed.hokey-pokey18
yeah...people just like having someone to make fun of or hate on to make themselves feel bigger(not always the case though). personally i dont have a problem with them. it takes alot for me to have a problem with people haha
Emo? They're like Blah blah blah, I'm so emotional. Emotional this emotionalthat emotional here emotionalthere. Everything is so emotional, an emotional frenzy. They cannotstop emoting. It's like someone turned them up to maximum emotional overdrive or their on/off switch has been jammed in the on position and someone broke the lever off.
I guess everyone goes through an emo phase.Eventually they realize life isn't fair not everyone is gonna be a millionaire rockstar, so theyexperience an emotionalbreakdown which leads to some hardcore emotions. and shattered dreams. I guess nobody told them. Their expectations were too high, they thought they were promised something, but in the end they gotsold out. That's life, but they don't accept it they rather dramatize.
So I think Emo's need to suck up them tears and deal with life like the rest of the world. It's okay sulk for a bit, BUT athome, on your owntime. Not everywhere else interfering with everyone else's time. AND I stress FOR ABIT because it's no okay to make it a lifestyle. Time moves forward, you may want to live in the pastbut theuniverse won't stop for you. If you spend all of your time living in the past you will miss the present.
It's saddening to me how people judge me by the way I dress or the color of my hair. It's sad that people will judge you on the basis of your appearance. I'm always just following my artistic impulses, expressing myself through my fashion choices. I'm not concerned with trends or whats cool, people are so worried about whats in and whats out, but I never think about that stuff.-Kirbyangel-
Aye, expressing yourself isn't necessarily lusting after attention like so many others believe. I guess people are just so used to everyone looking alike, for the most part, that they feel the need to label people who look different.
But emos would rather whine and write mostly bad stories that they think are good because the writing is "deep, dark, emotional and disturbing" than actually take the time and effort to improve their situation or solve their problems.
I have no problem with depressed people, people who dress like so called "emos"(which is really inaccurate, honestly), and people who aren't depressed who write really bad poetry/stories. I'm not a fan of people lusting after some stereotype of a fad, and doing everything they can to fit into that mold, like acting sad if they really aren't. Cutting themselves because they feel they need to in order to relate to others.
Umm emo people are not that bad as people make them look. I've met really nice emo people here at college.Sim_genius
Well... then they're aren't emos. They're just some posers striking poses for everyone, justputting on a fashon show. Like those skaters that look like a cardboard cut out. The only thing they have in common with atalented skater is that they dress like one of them. And the good skaters only dress like that because someone gave them those cloths hoping all of the wannabes would run out and buy the cloths. Every good skater I've ever know wore the same thing as every other guy. Some cheap blue jeans, cheap, shoes and a blank cotton T-shirt. His complete probably cost more than his cloths and shoes combined. He was too busy skating to put on a fashion show.
It's the same thing with emos. Dressing like a real emodoesn't make you a real emo, it's just a costume. Much like halloween it's all pretend.
Dressing like Bil Gates won't make you an annoying rich guy. You must be the founder of a very buggy operating system that is the industry standard only because the average user is too stupid to figure out how to use a better one.
[QUOTE="Sim_genius"]Umm emo people are not that bad as people make them look. I've met really nice emo people here at college.MagnumPI
Well... then they're aren't emos. They're just some posers striking poses for everyone, justputting on a fashon show. Like those skaters that look like a cardboard cut out. The only thing they have in common with atalented skater is that they dress like one of them. And the good skaters only dress like that because someone gave them those cloths hoping all of the wannabes would run out and buy the cloths. Every good skater I've ever know wore the same thing as every other guy. Some cheap blue jeans, cheap, shoes and a blank cotton T-shirt. His complete probably cost more than his cloths and shoes combined. He was too busy skating to put on a fashion show.
It's the same thing with emos. Dressing like a real emodoesn't make you a real emo, it's just a costume. Much like halloween it's all pretend.
Dressing like Bil Gates won't make you an annoying rich guy. You must be the founder of a very buggy operating system that is the industry standard only because the average user is too stupid to figure out how to use a better one.
To be fair, a lot of gamers would prefer Windows over any other. It has the most gaming support.I really dont want to say this but
They're a sick hybrid breed of punk and goth and nobody likes them because they just seek attention. I guess...
I guess everyone goes through an emo phase.Eventually they realize life isn't fair not everyone is gonna be a millionaire rockstar, so theyexperience an emotionalbreakdown which leads to some hardcore emotions. and shattered dreams. I guess nobody told them. Their expectations were too high, they thought they were promised something, but in the end they gotsold out. That's life, but they don't accept it they rather dramatize.
well i'm okay. I have no hopes or dreams :D
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