in 2012, we get a new releases, sequels and Re-releases.....all in 3D
we have
Titanic 3D
Beauty and the Beast 3D
Star Wars Episode 1 3D
Underworld Awakening 3D
Ghost Rider Spirit of Vengenance 3D
Dr. Seuxx ' The Loraxxx 3D
The avengers 3D
Men in black 3D
and their are many others but i'm to lazy to list them all, now of course we have the options to view these movies in their 2D forms but what is hollywood obsession with putting everything in 3D? We're not idiots, we know its to make you pay more for a ticket and boost ticket sales, but with movie attendance falling at their lowest in 16 years,0,6073093.story
haven't movie studios realized that we don't want 3D anymore? Also whats your opinion on 3D movies, i wanna know how you feel that old movies are going 3D, Titanic, Beauty and the Beast and Star Wars. I seen my fair amount of 3D movies last year in 2011 and honestly, I don't watch movies in 3D unless i do my research and read that the movie was shot in 3D and just not converted in post production and all the movies i list are post converted in 3D, so don't watch them in 3D :) (see, i'm lookng out for my peeps). So how do you feel about it? thanks for taking the time to read
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